The Zoo Part 2

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Louis P.O.V.

~On the Skyride~

I sat behind Mon and Harry. Liam came on with me, as Niall and Zayne sat behind us. I was just praying Harry remembered we were all watching them. If he makes a move, it sure will be hard to cover.

"Do they seem, oh I don't know, closer to you?" Liam said as Harry put his arm around Mon.

"No, not really..." I say un-sure.

"You seem un-sure, do you know something Lou?" Liam said now looking at me.

" If I knew something, so would you." I said laughing nervously.

"Well, do you think he likes her?"

"I don't know maybe...." I said as we watching Mon and Harry step off the ride and walk hand and hand to the exit.

Our cart was next, so Liam and I carefully hoped off and walked towards Mon and Harry.

Liam went over to Mon and asked her if she wanted to go get some snacks with him. She agreed and waved to us as they walked towards a food cart.

"You have to tell them soon." I said to Harry as soon as Mon and Liam couldn't hear.

"I know.." He said looking down at his feet.

"Liam saw you put your arm around her and asked if I knew anything."

"What did you say?" Harry said with wide eyes.

"I said I didn't know anything, but I bet you he is asking Mon..."

"We will tell them before Halloween, I promise Lou." Harry said looking at me.

"You know Halloween is three weeks away right?"

"Yeah we will find a good way to tell them, just give us some time."

"Alright just remember its October 5th." I said shaking my head.

"I know, I know."

Niall and Zayne was now walking towards us.

"Hey." Niall said.

Harry and I nodded at them.

"We're Mon and Liam." Zayne said looking around.

"They're getting some snacks for us." Harry said looking back at the snack stand. I looked over too and saw them walking back with ice cream.

"ICE CREAM!" Niall screamed running towards a laughing Mon and Liam.

"Here you go Harry." Mon said before shoving ice cream on to Harry's nose. She giggled looking at his shocked face.

"MONICA!" Harry screamed running after Mon. She ran around as Harry chased her. They ran until they were out of sight. The boys looked at me with confused faces.

They better tell them soon I really hate lying.

Monica's P.O.V.

"Harry stop!" I said laughing as I was still running towards the butterfly exhibit.

He chased after me until we were in front of the door. He cought up to me, picked me up from behind and spun me around.

No one was really here since it was pretty cold. Thank God, or else we would have fans chasing us every where.

Harry sat me down on a bench and sat next to me. He pulled me on to his lap.

"No payback?" I said smirking.

"No. I know a way you can thank me." He said winking at me.

I decided to play along. "Oh yeah, and what would that be." I said inching closer to him with every word.

"I think you know." He said before I crashed my lips on to his. We were beside the exhibit, in the corner so no one could see.

He licked my bottom lip, but I didn't allow him to enter. I pulled away laughing.

"You're such a tease." He said pouting.

"You look cute when you pout." I said kissing his cheek.

"Want to go to the Ferris wheel?" He said taking my hand and lacing our fingers.

"Do you think the others will get mad." I said shyly.

"No, they'll be fine c'mon." He said pulling us up from the bench.

We walked towards the Ferris wheel with a smile plastered on both of our faces.

"Two?" The man said who worked the Ferris wheel.

Harry nodded. "Shall we?" Harry said putting his hand out for me to take, I took his hand and he helped me in to the cart.

"You two are a really cute couple." The man said to us as he locked the gate.

"Thank you." I said, my face turning pink. Harry kissed my forehead before we were off.

Louis P.O.V.

Harry and Mon were no where to be found.

"Where do you think they went?" Zayne said looking around.

"Maybe they are looking for us?" Niall said also looking around.

"Yeah maybe we should sit down and wait for a minute." Liam said walking towards a bench by the Ferris wheel.

I looked around and saw Harry and Mon on the ferris wheel. i was about to tell the guys until Harry kissed her.

Oh god. They can't see them kissing. This shouldn't be the way they find out.

"Uhhhh, no let's look over here by the elephants." I said turning them all around. Liam tried to turn back around but I pushed his back.

"OK yeah let's go." I said loudly before they could protest.They all shrugged and kept walking.

That was close a little too close.

About 10 minutes later we found Harry and Mon sitting on a bench.

"Where have you been." Zayne said walking towards Mon and giving her a hug.

"Umm, we lost you guys." Harry said, with Mon nodding her head.

"It's fine, we should probably go, it's already 7." Liam said looking at his watch.

"OK Daddy Direction." Mon said kissing Liam cheek, She skipped off with Liam to our car.

As much as I hate lying, Mon and Harry have been so happy ever since they started dating, They really were a cute couple, and I am happy for them. I followed the rest of the boys to the car with a smile on my face.

Thank you all for reading! Hope you liked my chapter! Give me feedback!!!

xoxo Ashley!

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