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Louis' P.O.V

Monica lead me back inside the ice cream shop. Everyone had a worried look on their face.

"Louis, I'm so sorry mate." Harry said patting my back.

"Yeah, we're sorry." Everyone else said.

It was hard not to break down in tears, but I had to prove I was strong. Mon smiled at me sweetly before sitting down in her seat next to Zayn.

I watched her as she laughed at something Zayn had said. Her smile was beautiful. He brown hair fell on her shoulders making her flick it away. Her brown eyes glistened, her soft pink lips, her curvy body, and her cute freckles on her cheeks. Just looking at her made butterflies fly rapidly around my stomach.

Louis what are you doing she likes Zayn, Zayn likes her! My mind yelled at me and it was right. I just keept reapeating it to myself, maybe if I tell myself enough times it will stick.

"Lou, you alright?" Kat said looking at me worriedly. She sat in between me and Liam. I gave her a small smile and nodded.

She smiled back before turning back to Liam. Ashley and Kat were both really nice. I'm just hoping Liam and Niall will have the guts to make the next move.

My mind kept going back to Eleanor. How could she? I loved her, and I was stupid enough to think she loved me. And really, cheating on me with my drummer. I'm so stupid.

But for some reason, I was sort of relived. The butterflies had gone away. I thought there were sparks, but really I was just nervous. A part of me wanted to end it, but a part of me was happy.

"Lou, you ready to go." Mon said taking me away from my thoughts. I looked up to see that everyone, but Mon was outside.

"Uh, yeah." I said standing up. She placed her hand in mine, almost like a puzzle. Eletcity shot through my whole body, making me go weak in the knees.

Stop Louis. I kept repeating.

"OK, let's go home. Maybe watch a movie?" Niall said as we all started walking back to the house.

Mon still had her hand placed in mine. I thought the feeling she gave me would soon go away. It didn't.

"You sure you're OK Lou?" Mon said. I had zoned out again.

"Yeah, just thinking." I said looking over at her. I felt bad making her worry about me. But really, I was more worked up about what I am feeling for Mon that what happened between me and Eleanor.

"About?" She said softly.

"That we need a Monnie and Lou day." I said happily.

"I would love that!" She said smiling.

"Now there's your beautiful smile." I said, making her blush.

I realized we were far behind the others.

"Hey, come with me." I whispered into Mon's ear, I swear I felt her shiver.

No stop Louis, you're just imagining things.

I started running, Mon joining me. She was giggling as I ran faster down the street. We passed the others, sticking our tongues out at them.

They all started to run after us, but we already beat them home.

"Now we get to pick the film we watch." I said winking at Mon. She ran over to the cabinet with our movies, I followed not far behind.

We both looked at each other as we found one of our favorite movies. "GREASE!!!" We both screamed at the same time.

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