The Beach!

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Monica's P.O.V.

  I am trying to be cool. Trying not to freak when I say this. I just need to find the courage to say it. Oh god my eyes are tearing up. I swiftly turned around.

 "I love you guys" I blurted out trying not to cry.

They all looked at me so lovingly.

 "We love you too" They all said together followed by a huge group hug.

We all walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast while throwing some ideas around about where to go for the day.

 "I say the mall" Harry said smiling showing his dimples.

The all shock their heads in disgust.

"I hate walking around" Louis complained.

We all agreed and went back to the drawing board.

 "Maybe a movie" Liam said still on the fence about his idea.

 "But there is nothing out" Louis complained once again.

He jumped up and had a grin that covered his whole face.

"Get your bathing suits on, because we're going to the beach." He ran out of the kitchen and started up the stairs.

He looked back and yelled

"You coming?"

We all shrugged and followed him up the stairs to our rooms.


 I slipped on a light blue bikini with bows on the sides, It was a strapless top that looked great along with my tan. The blue really complemented my green eyes.

 I ran a brush threw my long brown hair and braided it. I also put on some pink lip gloss and grabbed my shades and started towards my bedroom door.

"I almost forgot a cover up" I ran to my suitcase and pulled out a see through white cover up. I pulled it over my head trying not to wreck my hair. I went up the mirror and nodded in approval. I walked out of my room and closed my door quietly.

 I was walking in the hallway that lead to the stairs when all of the sudden I ran into someone falling completely on top of him leaving us just inches apart.

His dark brown eyes were looking straight at me without saying a word. He only had his swim trunks on so he was shirtless. He had some abs man. He was just staring into my eyes silently.

It was Zayn. We both didn't say anything for a little bit, we just looked into each others eyes. He leaned in closer until Louis came out of his room which happened to be right in front of where me and Zayn were.

His eyes widened when He saw us.

"Liam!" He shouted down the stairs

"Come quick!" Zayn's eyes were now filled with worry and he backed away.

"I am so sorry Mon" He started

"I-I didn't see you there" He said trying to get up.

I rolled off of him to see a surprised Liam.

"What's going on here" Niall said with a smiling Harry by his side.

Zayn shrugged.

 "Why are you so happy" Liam said looking cross. It was actually kind of funny looking up at all of their straight faces and see one face that was smiling.

"Zayn was gonna kiss Monica" He chanted while skipping down the stairs.

 Niall grabbed my hand and pulling me into his arms.

"You alright love you took quite a fall" He said with his adorable accent.

I shook my head and giggled. I looked back at Zayn who was now off the ground getting stares from Liam and Louis. I smiled at him and he winked back.

I almost kissed Zayn Malik.

Zayn's P.O.V.

      After the whole incident in the hallway the guys have been looking at me weird as if they thought she didn't fall that I just put her on top of me. Although Mon and I keep looking at each other and giggling.

 The car ride was long and after 20 minuets without talking they gave up their silence and finally started talking. I think they just wanted to forget about what almost happened.

 Another 20 minuets went by and we final reached the beach. We always went to this one part of the beach where no one ever went so we wouldn't have crazy girls snapping pics of us shirtless. We also didn't want Mon to get reveled to the public quite yet.

It was an amazing day. The sun shining, a slight breeze, and the warm water. Sand squished between my toes as I walked towards the glimmering water. I looked back to see all of the boys hugging her.

Ever since the incident, the boys have been always holding Mon's hand and hugging her like they were the only ones that were allowed to touch her. I was walking by myself until Louis ran and jumped on my back. I started running towards the water and threw him in. The rest of the gang weren't too far behind. I noticed Mon was on Harry's shoulders walking her towards Lou and I.

 Harry threw Mon in the shallow end of the ocean. She was still wearing her cover up too. She screamed as a wave approached her and went over her stomach. The cold wave felt good on our feet, but I guess on her stomach it was freezing. I ran to her and scooped her up and carried her bridal style to our brightly colored beach towels. I wrapped her in a towel and sat her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her while running my thumb along her arm. Of course this made the guys mad. They gave me dirtiest looks before running to us. Lou managed to kick sand all over me while running over.

 His mouth formed and O form. He backed away slowly putting his arms up in a sign of peace.

"You are going to get it Louis!" I shouted sticking my tongue out at him. I placed Mon in a beach chair while Lou started to run away looking back expecting me to follow.

"Excuse me love" I said before running quickly after Louis. I caught up to him and picked him up throwing him into the warm water. I could hear Mon laughing all the way from here. Goodness I love that laugh.

 Before Lou could get up, I ran as fast as I could to our towles where all of the boys and Mon were watching us. I ran too her picking her up and I started running to the other side of the beach. Mon was laughing at the puzzled lookes on the others faces.

Once we got far enough that the others looked like aunts. I started walking, still holding Mon bridal style. She laid her head on my chest as I walked up the beach to a little gazebo. I sat her down on the bench before sitting down next to her.

"Sorry I stole you away from the boys" I said filling the silence. A beautiful smile apeared on her face.

"I love when you steal me away" she said winking at me. She put her head back on my chest. I started humming, more than this, to her. The warm breeze smelled like sea water. The seagulls were chirping and we could here the waves crashing on the seashore. This was the perfect moment.

 We talked for for a little while and I got to know a lot more about her. She comes from a small family, her, her brother, and her parents. Her parents didn't sound very supporting either. They kicked her out when she decided give up on medical school. She still talked to her brother though. He lived just a few hours away. She also told me that she has always wanted to visit Paris, but never got to, because her parents would't let her.

She sat up and starred into my eyes. She was so beautiful and funny. I loved having her to myself. She was unlike anyone I have ever met.

I leaned in.......


Sorry for the cliffhanger!!!

Remember to comment and vote on my story!

I will update when I get at least 3 comments!!

xoxo Ashley

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