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Monica's P.O.V.

We spent another hour in the pool before heading up to our rooms to get changed. I changed into a white tank top and stripped pajama's. I was searching around my room for a big sweatshirt, but I couldn't find one.

I walked down the hall and knocked on Harry's door slowly opening the door, to make sure he wasn't still changing.

"You can come in" He said chuckling. I giggled before walking into his room and closing the door behind me.

"Can I borrow a sweatshirt?" I said giving him my best puppy dog face. My best friend back in America would always get mad at how I had brown eyes and she had blue, because I could use the puppy dog face on people.

"Of course babe." He said getting up and  going to his closet, bringing me his favorite Jack Willis sweatshirt. I kissed his cheek before I took the sweatshirt out of his grasp.

I walked into his bathroom and got his cologne and sprayed the sweatshirt before putting it on. I loved having the sweatshirt smell like him, it made me feel like he had his arms around me all of the time.

"You like the smell of my colonge?" He said with a smirk. I nodded and rolled my eyes before laughing.

"I'm not tiered yet!" I whined.

"Let's go watch another movie!" Harry said picking  me up bridal style and ran down the stairs, and into the living room.

"Hmmm, the big couch or the love seat?" He said before giving me a smirk. He sat down on the love seat still craddling me in his arms. I layed my head down on his chest and he set his head on mine.

"I guess we should have put on the movie first huh?" I said laughing at the blank tv screen. "I'll go put one on." I said slowly pulling my head up from Harry's chest.

"NO!" He said and pulled me back down.

"Don't you want to watch a movie?" I said laughing.

"No, it's just an excuse to cuddle with you." He said and even though i couldn't see his face, I know he was smirking. I laughed and cuddled into his neck.

"All you had to do was ask...." I said smiling. We layed in each other's arms for a couple minutes until I could tell he was asleep. I slowly closed my eyes and soon fell asleep.

"Get out, we don't want you here!" Liam shouted and  I flew down the stairs crying and went into the kitchen.

"We only felt bad for you, we never liked you." Zayne said before marching up to his room.

I walked into the living room to find Niall and Louis standing there with a mad look on their face.

"Leave, never look, think, or talk to us again!" They shouted at me.

I ran to the door to see Harry. I ran to him hoping for comfort, but he pushed me away.

"I never loved you or like you! I never want to see you again! He screamed and pushed me out of the house and slammed the door. I was now crying a river.

The boys were like my family. I love them all so much i can't stand the thought of losing them. I started crying harder.




My body was shaking slightly. I shot open my eyes to see a concerned Harry. My face was all wet from my tears that were still flowing out of my eyes, my hair was all knotted, and my whole body felt sore.

Harry held me close to him. "Shhh, it was a dream." He said over and over rocking me back and forth. That was the worst dream ever. It just felt so....real.

"Aww love your burning up." Harry said felling my forehead. "Let's get you into your bed and some cooler clothes." He picked me up bridal style and walking up to my room.

He layed me down on my bed. He took his Jack Willis sweatshirt off of me and put it into the dirty laundry. He found a long t-shirt and set it next to me. He took of my sweaty tank and replaced it with the t-shirt. I slid off my stripped pajama pants and threw them across the room.

"Better love?" He said picking up my pajama pants I just threw and put them also in the hamper.

I nodded and grabbed a hair tie of the night stand. I put my hair on the top of my head.

"Thank you Harry" I said yawning.

"Anything for you." Said smiling.

"You are the best boyfriend ever." I said laying my head down on my pillow. He came over to me and pulled the sheet over my weak body.

"Please get better OK?" He said kissing my head. I nodded and took his hand.

"I don't want to sound really needy, but will you stay with me?" I said with a small smile.

"I thought you would never ask." He said heading over to the other side of the bed and climbing in.

He wrapped his long arms around my fragile body and I snuggled into his side.

"Good night Mon" He whispered into my ear.

"Night Harry." I said into his side.

I closed my eyes and try to forget about my horrible dream and the fact I have a fever, so I thought about Harry and I having a blast in the pool earlier tonight. I fell asleep in my boyfriends arms smiling.

Sorry this is short, but I was bored! You know what to do!;)

xoxo Ashley!:)

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