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"Naruto wake up!"

Naruto shot up, bangs falling over his eyes.
He sighed and slid onto the cold floor, shivers running down his body.

Naruto rubbed his eyes childishly as he walked to the bathroom.

"Morning father."
Minato looked up.
"Get ready, Menma and the others won't wait for forever." Naruto looked at his siblings who practically slept on the kitchen table. "Yes father."

Naruto brushed his hair/teeth, took off sleeping wear, put on usual outfit, ate a quick breakfast, double checked all school supplies in his backpack.

Menma yawned.
Naruto slipped through the door, running into the back seat before Menma drove off. Akari got in beside Naruto, not bothering to buckle unlike him.

Menma groaned and started the engine.

"Wait fuck tard!" "Shut the hell up! Your the one sleeping with cock in their mouth!" Rose punched Menmas arm. "Shut the fuck up fuck boy."
Naruto looked out the window, the small trees and people walking on the side walk, passing by like birds flying over the garden.

"Get out mistake." "Sorry."
Naruto got out, running into the front gate.

Naruto walked into the front doors, them slamming behind him. Naruto jumped and looked around.

"So busy."

Naruto moved through the crowd that just kept growing.
He squeezed out of the crowd and walked into double doors.

A woman with brown spiky hair looked up.

"Are you Uzumaki Naruto?" Naruto looked at her and smiled. "Yes." She held out a schedule, sipping on coffee. "Don't let this school eat you kid."
Naruto tilted his head, blushing when he saw the woman checking him out.
"Your one of the few good looking ones." Naruto nodded, not knowing how to respond to something so forward.

Naruto walked out, looking at his schedule.

Uzumaki Naruto
Grade: 9

First period: Math- Hatake Kakashi

Second period: English- Senju Jiraiya

Third period: Chemistry- Umino Iruka

Fourth period: Modern History- Kinoe Yamato

Fifth period: Lunch

Sixth period: Creative writing- Mitarashi Anko

Seventh period: Art- Sarutobi Asuma

Naruto pouted.
"Why do I have the pervert?"

Naruto sighed and began to look for his classes, since he only had 5 minutes till school started.

Naruto knocked on a door, three minutes late.
He bit his lip when the door opened.

"Uzumaki Naruto I presume?" "Yes sir." "State your name to the class than sit in that back seat." Naruto nodded, gladly accepting the invitation to come in.

Naruto felt staring and looked up to see all of the students looking at him as if he was a small bunny in a lions den. He blushed, biting his lip again.

"U-uh I'm Uzumaki Naruto.. it's nice... to meet you." Kakashi sighed. "You can go sit down Naruto." Naruto nodded and practically ran to his seat.

The whole day was like that.. worse part was some kid named Inuzuka Kiba actually got the courage to smack his ass,
It was really embarrassing because Naruto stuttered out a "please don't do that" which just made the group laugh.

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