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"Fucking freezing! Fucking freezing!" Naruto giggled and held his coat tightly together. Sasuke quickly entered the house and Naruto slipped in.
Sasuke took his shoes off and headed toward the living room, sitting in front of the fire place.
Naruto heard a low chuckle and peaked in.

Four people sat in the furniture that surrounded a fancy dark wooded coffee table. The two women sat on the couch while a really hot man that looked like Sasuke sat closest to the fire in a chair while a grouchy looking man sat on the other side of the elder copy of Sasuke.

"Sasuke." Sasuke looked at his elder copy. "Weren't you bringing Naruto?" "Oh right." The woman Naruto didn't recognize, smacked Sasukes head. "Ow mother." "What do you mean "oh right"? That boy seemed so cute and innocent." Sasuke sighed.
He looked at the entrance of the living room and the others followed. Naruto hid and he heard two chuckle. One from that pretty woman and one from Sasukes copy.

Sasuke walked over. "Your acting shy." "I am shy!" "Come on." "But-" "No buts... it's easier to get it over now." Naruto pouted.
Sasuke grabbed Narutos coat sleeve and pulled him in front of him.
Naruto blushed when he saw the four staring at him.

"Oh so you can take Sasukes offer but when I ask!" Itachi looked at his younger sister. "Maybe it wasn't the right time Ayama." She huffed. "Doesn't mean you go running after Sasuke than come home with him." She folded her arms and Itachi and Mikoto shook their heads.
Fugaku just grunted and Naruto already found him scary. Sasuke smirked and sat in the chair beside the couch and put Naruto on his lap.

Naruto felt like squirming uncomfortably as Itachi and Mikoto continued to stare at him.
Mikoto stood and Naruto looked at Sasuke. Sasuke sighed.
Naruto was suddenly engulfed in a large hug.

"Your so cute! Kushina was right! Your a diamond in a mountain!" Itachi chuckled while Sasuke snorted.
Naruto rubbed his cheek when Mikoto was done snuggling him. "I want to know why you bring him here now." Itachi sighed. "Father don't pressure him." "No it's okay... I was hoping to tell you anyway." Sasuke looked at Naruto. "You just met them." "It's a good opportunity." Ayama crossed her legs. "What do you want to tell us?" Naruto blushed and Itachi had to hold Mikoto back from squishing him.

"Um... uh.. this was a lot easier to say to you." Sasuke smirked. "Narutos pregnant."
The room was filled with silence and Naruto bit his lip.
"How old are you?" Naruto looked at Itachi. "I turned 16 a few months ago." "You got a 16 year old pregnant?!" Mikoto smacked Sasukes head again. Itachi helped Naruto up and took him to his chair. "I'm sorry my brother is very immature." "Why is all of this getting turned on me?!" "Why'd you get a Namikaze pregnant?" The family and Naruto looked at Fugaku. "Actually.. I'm an Uzumaki." "Your that Namikaze bastards copy." "Doesn't mean I'm a namikaze, my surname is Uzumaki not Namikaze Mr. Uchiha. I wasn't raised like my siblings." Fugaku sneered. "If you talk back than you are one." "Believe it or not Mr. Uchiha but I only speak my mind when someone compares me to the poor excuse I call my family. My father may be Namikaze Minato but I see him nothing of the sort." "And what do you mean by that?" Mikoto crossed her arms.
"Like it sounds Mrs. Uchiha, he is legally my father and is on my birth certificate but I do not see him that way... it's quite hard when you were the one treated as a slave." Naruto looked back at Fugaku. "I'm an Uzumaki, not a Namikaze."

Sasuke smirked. "Father I think you have some competition now." Fugaku clicked his tongue. "Who's taking over the Namikaze Company?" "Namikaze Menma, he's the eldest son." Fugaku sneered. "You'd be able to take the company easily if you want when he becomes head." "And why's that?" "Menmas a moron. He won't read any contract and just sign it, all he wants is fam and money."
Fugaku grumbled. Itachi than smirked.
He whispered, "You just gained the favor of our father." Naruto tilted his head.

How could he gain a man like Fugakus favor just by giving out some obvious information?

Mikoto suddenly began to feel Narutos body and he became beat red. "Your so skinny, are you eating correctly? My grandchild will not grow healthy if you keep this up." Naruto looked at Sasuke for help but he just gave an ok sign.
"Oh!" Naruto looked at Itachi. "Were you the one who talked to us before Sasuke hung up?" Itachi smirked. "Yes my names Uchiha Satō Itachi." Naruto smiled. "What's Sasukes full name?" Itachis smirk widened. "Oh it's very interesting." "And if you say a word I'll kill you." "But apparently the father of my niece or nephew does not want that information spilt." Naruto pouted. "Don't ask about it again."
Sasuke gave Naruto a stern look. "But if you don't wanna tell me than I wanna know and when I wanna know I find out." "You won't be finding out." Sasuke moved Naruto over and sat beside him.

"Oh dinner!" "I can help." Mikoto looked at Naruto. Her eyes sparkled. "Yes! We will cook together!" Mikoto ran off, dragging Naruto.
Sasuke sighed.


Itachi licked his lips. "That was really good." Mikoto smiled. "I know. When Naruto asked me to try it, my mouth watered for more." Naruto blushed. Sasuke smirked. "Where did you learn to cook like this Naruto?" Naruto hummed, "I've been cooking for a while. It was one of my chores at home." "Well it paid off." "Really? I usually have to make it again since the others don't really like it." "Nonsense, this is amazing."
"Naruto your so popular." "I don't like you go away." Sasuke chuckled. "I'm honestly shocked Sasuke hasn't tried to do anything to you yet." Naruto tilted his head. Ayama agreed, "Yeah Sasukes usually very touchy." "I'm not." "You are." Itachi chuckled while Sasuke looked at Naruto annoyed. "Was I not supposed to say that?" "Don't sell me out like that." "But you are, anytime during class you could get-" Sasuke put a large bite of rice in Narutos mouth. "Shut up." Mikoto pouted, "but I wanted to hear more." Naruto swallowed. "Whenever we're alone he isn't shy." Itachi ruffled Narutos hair. "How's that uncle of yours?" Naruto smiled. "Good, he's coming to my house tomorrow so I get to see him after school." "Whys he coming tomorrow?" "I wanted to tell him about the news." Sasuke put his plate in the sink. "Oh Sasuke it's your turn for dishes!" "No. I did them yesterday." Itachi raised a brow. "Sasuke, Ayama and I did your chores for the past week." Naruto felt a pit enter his stomach. "It's Narutos fault." "Don't blame it on him." "Ah no.. it actually is." "See." Mikoto grumbled. "How than?" "Well I found out I was pregnant a week ago... and avoided him until today." "Understandable." "Sasuke." Sasuke looked at Naruto. "Be more like your family." Sasukes eye twitched while Ayama and Itachi chuckled. "Shut it." Sasuke sat beside Naruto and picked off of his plate. Itachi swatted him away. "You could've gotten seconds." "He's not going to eat it all." "Yes he is." Mikoto put another bite into Narutos mouth.

(So I know Japanese people don't have middle names but we're gonna give them some)

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