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Kurama sighed and knocked on a door.
It flung open to show a maid. She smiled. "May I help you?" "Yes, is Uzumaki Naruto here by chance?" The maid went to answer but Itachi interrupted, "Do you need something concerning Naruto?" "Yes, he left before any of us woke up and I'd like to talk to him about yesterday's incident." "Yes Naruto has told us what happened." 'Great' Kurama sighed.
"He's this way if you'll follow me and take your shoes off." The maid closed the door behind Kurama who quickly took his shoes off and began to follow Itachi.

"What's your relationship with Naruto?" 'What does it matter to you?' "I'm his uncle." Itachi hummed.

Itachi soon knocked on an oak door. The door swung open to show Sasuke. "Is something wrong?" "Narutos uncle is here to talk to him."
Itachi smirked when Naruto went by in the background on Sasukes desk chair.
"Are you having fun?" "Wee!" They looked behind to see Naruto grab onto the desk. Sasuke sighed. "He's kicked me out of MY chair!" Naruto looked over. "I'm pregnant with your child." Sasuke grumbled. "Does he keep using that?" "Only for tricks and jokes." Itachi nodded. "Naruto lunch is soon!" "Okie!" Naruto held up an ok sign.

Itachi walked away and Sasuke looked at the redhead who stood equal grounds with him. "Your the uncle?" "I am... your the Uchiha?" "Mhm."
Sasuke stepped aside and Kurama gladly took the invitation. Sasuke closed the door and moved Naruto before putting him back on his lap.

"Kit." Naruto looked over and clenched his pencil. Kuramas eyes softened. "Can we talk?" "About?" "About yesterday."
Naruto was reluctant but stood from Sasukes lap.

They walked out and Naruto closed the door. "Are you serious about this?" "About what?" "The baby." Naruto crossed his arms. "Of course I'm serious. Granny put me back with the Seniors, I'm graduating mid spring." "What about work?" "Sasukes supposed to take his families company and Mikoto said I could stay here until Sasuke graduates." "So your relying on the Uchihas?" "Well they were the ones who accepted the baby and I." Naruto frowned. "I was hoping you would too but I guess my fathers ranting is more important." "Kit it was a shocker." "Yes I know Kyuu, I avoided Sasuke because I was terrified of his reaction.. actually I was terrified of the Uchihas reactions but they didn't yell at me or ignore me when Sasuke and I told them... I didn't think.. I knew my family wouldn't be supportive and that's why I wanted you to be there." Kurama sighed. "I'm sorry Kit." "There's nothing to be sorry for, I graduate in a few months and Mikoto is taking me baby shopping tomorrow.. I'm completely fine with everyone's decisions." "What are you going to do about Minato and the others?" "My first plan was for you to be there so they didn't hurt the baby but seeing as I have my first appointment on Sunday... I think I may just stay here." "Kit fugakus here." "And he's treating me fine. Fugaku hasn't said anything offense and even seemed happy about his grandchild." "They're Uchihas." "And my child will be half Uchiha. I get you, my mother, my father and my siblings have a rivalry with the Uchihas but they aren't monsters. Fugaku wants his company to thrive and being the second best has led him to have a rivalry with the Uzumakis while Mikotos like an angel from heaven and Itachi wins the best brother award without a doubt. Ayama is even fawning over having a little niece or nephew and Sasukes being kind... if I have troubles I'll call you and talk to you about it.. right now I'm fine with all of them." Kurama sighed. "Your father will try to sell you." Naruto looked at Kurama. "I know."

Kurama was slightly surprised, he hadn't thought Naruto would have caught onto that.

"Kyuu they call me merchandise and have shaped me into the perfect house wife.. do you really think I'm that stupid to not have noticed?" "It's just not something a kid like you should worry about." "There's a lot of things I shouldn't worry about... for instance father or Menma trying to severely hurt the baby and I... Kyuu I'm 3 months pregnant... I've had to worry about it for 2 weeks." "When did you exactly find out you were pregnant?" "When I was 7 weeks in.. Granny gave me the test." Kurama nodded.
"Do you really think you'll be fine here?" "It's not a matter of if he's fine." The duo looked over to see Mikoto. "Narutos a part of our family, we wouldn't hurt him unlike his family."

Mikoto turned to Naruto. "Lunch is ready. Would you mind getting Sasuke for me?" Naruto smiled and nodded.
When the door closed Mikoto growled.
"Look you and your family were the ones who rejected Naruto." "I didn't do such a thing." "You focused on Minato more than Narutos news, his life changing news. He'll be just fine here and so will my grandchild... try to be more like your sister in this situation and be happy for Naruto.. we both know she'd be ecstatic."

The door opened and Mikoto hugged Naruto. "No need to worry, the most we'll do is spoil the two of them."
Naruto held Mikotos arms as they waddled away. Sasuke sighed. "My child's gonna be spoiled."

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