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A group was crowded, Namikaze Menma in the middle with Hyuga Hinata.
Amaya pushed through, confused to why everyone was watching. Amaya gasped and frowned.


Someone blocked the kick, their backpack taking the damage.
Amaya was amazed to see Naruto who smiled, his back toward Menma who was raging.

"Again mistake?!" Amaya clenched her fists.
Naruto ignored Menma.
"Your going to be late for class." Hinata frowned, hugging Naruto before Neji helped her up like last time.

Menma growled and went to kick Naruto but Amaya stopped him.

"Go pick on someone else Namikaze." Menma smirked, his eyes holding a wicked look. "Got yourself a friend mistake? Dads gonna love that." Menma laughed, walking away.
Amaya furrowed her eyebrows in confusion but didn't dwell on it to much and turned to look at Naruto.

"Why did you do that?" "Do what? Help Hinata?" "Well yeah!" Naruto frowned. "Hinatas a sweet girl, she doesn't need to be the victim of Menmas childish acts." "So you take the punishment yourself? Yeah you sound like a fucking hero." Naruto looked hurt, then furrowed his eyebrows. "Isn't it better for one such as myself take the punishment then someone who doesn't deserve such treatment?" Amaya clenched her fists. "Look wise guy, your gonna get yourself seriously injured one day." Naruto smiled. "Than I guess I won't be merchandise anymore, isn't that what everyone wants.." Naruto sighed. "It's better to be ugly and scarred than gorgeous and act like a doll."

Naruto walked away.
"Did he just rhyme me?" Sasuke smirked. "He did little sister." Amaya puffed her cheeks. "I can't believe you let such things happen." "Uzumaki stops all of Namikazes antics, I can't stop every single one when he's trying to help others. Plus I think he's right Amaya, wouldn't you rather be ugly than some prize someone puts out?" Amaya frowned. "Look you wanna help Uzumaki, then stay out of his way, that's one thing I've learned while watching him torture himself for others sakes."
Sasuke walked away, leaving Amaya to sigh.
"All bad things have to end sooner or later big brother."

Naruto walked into the house after the others, a hand making contact with his cheek.
Naruto stumbled, almost falling onto his ass.

"You disobeyed me Naruto." Naruto looked up, his hand holding his red cheek.
Naruto felt tears prickle the corner of his eyes when he saw Menma smirking and a raging Minato over him.
"... I-I'm...-."
Naruto couldn't finish when a foot met his stomach. He cried out in pain, the tears struggling to not fall.

Rose, Akari and Menma didn't pay any mind to Narutos cries and almost pleas for their father to stop.
In Menmas mind, Naruto deserved every bit of this punishment. To him Naruto was starting to get out of hand, being a now Junior and still showing him up in school.

As time progressed, Narutos blood found its way onto the floor, new scratches and wounds made from Minatos wedding ring and his professionally made shoes.

Narutos breathing was raspy, blood and drool mixed as it ran on Narutos chin, vomit some places from his past meals and the acid to break the foods down.

"Clean this up when your done pitying yourself." Naruto would've closed his parted lips but he couldn't find the energy, he couldn't find the energy to do anything, even barely breathing was a struggle for him.

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