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Sasuke stared at Naruto for a while. Naruto let go of his arm.

"So you went and got pregnant?" "Yeah with our child." Naruto clenched his fists. "Did you seriously think I would've cheated? Listen hear Uchiha Sasuke I am one everyone bullies and hates and you have the decency to say "went and got pregnant" like I had found someone who saw me the way you do."

Sasuke quickly walked, making Naruto quickly walk backward. Sasukes hands met the brick wall much like Narutos back.

"Wanna drop the attitude? I'm the one who should be pissed." "And I didn't say you couldn't be, I've been avoiding you and now just start talking to you again. I get that your upset with me but that doesn't mean my words should go to your def ears." Sasuke growled. "Than speak, why not tell me the day you found out? Why hide it and avoid me like I'm the fucking pleg?" "Sasuke your 17, a teenager in Junior year shouldn't be a father. I'm graduating with the Seniors because of this predicament." "Your 16!" Naruto flinched. "If you think that your more suited for this than I am why bother talk to me about it?!" "I am terrified you will bail on this baby and I! I want you there but I don't want you to have a burden as big as this!" Naruuto sniffled. "You're right! I'm 16! All I should be focusing on is staying alive because I live with psychopaths! I'm terrified you'll leave and I'm terrified if I don't do what my family wants they'll hurt the baby!" Naruto wiped his tears. "I'm sorry for avoiding you, I'm sorry for thinking you'd be ok if I did that.. I'm sorry for thinking I wouldn't get pregnant, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry."

Sasuke watched as Naruto broke down, crying and hiccuping.
After some time, Sasuke grabbed Narutos wrist and the back of his neck. He harshly connected his lips onto Narutos. Narutos eyes widened but only for a second.

He grabbed Sasukes shirt and sunk into the very long kiss.
They separated but Sasuke quickly kissed him again and again.

"Your a fool for thinking I wouldn't want to be there for my child." Naruto flushed a light red but smiled. "And your also a moronic dumbass for running away." Naruto nodded, "and your stupid for smoking." "One cigarette." "Still." Naruto pouted and Sasuke kissed his red lips once more.

Sasuke pulled Naruto in, his arms wrapped around Narutos waist. Naruto slung his arms around Sasukes neck as he leaned on the balls of his feet.
Sasuke breathed deeply against Narutos neck. It was only a few weeks or so since he held Naruto, but it felt like an eternity.

Sasuke hummed and licked Narutos neck. Naruto squeaking at the sudden action.
"I need to punish you for such behavior Naruto." Naruto blushed. "S-Sasuke.. the baby." "Sex is good for the baby.. plus I'm fucking freezing." Naruto couldn't help but crack a small but genuine smile. "That's your fault." "Come on."

Sasuke lifted Naruto up and he yelped. Naruto held onto Sasukes shoulders while Sasukes arm rested just below Narutos ass with another hand on Narutos thigh.


Naruto panted as he laid nuzzled into Sasukes neck. Sasuke hummed, finding himself sleepy in the hot car.

"I just realized we've only fucked in my car." Naruto looked at Sasuke. "That's what happens when you go for the youngest Uzumaki." "Lay back down smart ass." Naruto giggled and laid on Sasukes chest.

He glanced at the radio and shot up. Sasuke quirked a brow in confusion.
"We completely missed the rest of the day." Naruto looked around and Sasuke smirked. "All of the cars are gone." "Well you were moaning my name when people were leaving." "Sasuke!" Naruto hit his chest. "I'm going to be in so much trouble. Fuck." Sasuke looked at Naruto stunned. "Did you just curse?" "Get over it, I'm more worried about the baby."
Naruto searched for his clothes but by the time he got his shirt that was somehow on the steering wheel, Sasuke was pulling him back onto his lap.
"You can just stay at my house." Sasuke shrugged.

Suddenly Naruto got an idea and patted Sasukes chest rapidly. "Where's your phone?" Sasuke again, quirked a brow in confusion. "Why?" "Because I have to call my uncle." "Why your uncle?" Sasuke sighed and reached for his phone. "Because he can come to my house and he won't leave since this baby is my child." "You think that highly of your uncle?" Naruto smiled. "Of course, he's saved me every time from my father and Menma."
Sasuke handed Naruto his phone and Naruto pulled a piece of paper from his black folder.

Naruto put the number in.. but than was confused. He blushed in embarrassment and pouted.
"I don't know how to work a phone." Sasuke took a second before snorting. "Shut up!" Naruto whined until Sasuke stopped laughing.

Sasuke sat up, holding Narutos waist. "Ready, I'm going to show you magic." "Your dramatic." "Shut up and watch." Sasuke pressed the green button and it began to ring. "Oh~." "Oh my god." "Stop it, your being mean."
The phone was answered but Naruto didn't hear anything. Sasuke put the phone to his ear but Naruto quickly pulled it away. "Kyuu stop yelling!" Sasuke covered his ears. "Sorry." "Just finish your conversation."

Naruto took the phone and put it to his ear. "Oh shit kit, your actually using my number." "Yeah I have a favor." Sasuke began to doodle on Narutos belly as he laid back down. "Really? And what's that?" "Could you come to my house? I have something to tell you." "Can't you just tell me now?" Naruto pouted. "Kyuu I'm not home."


Naruto held the phone away again when Kurama shouted "What?!"
"Where are you?! Were you kidnapped?! Or hurt badly?!" Naruto giggled. "No, I'm with Sasuke." "Ah who?" "Uchiha Sasuke." "Ugh Uchiha." Naruto rolled his eyes. "Kyuu he's my boyfriend." Sasuke smirked. "... He's your what?!" Naruto held the phone away again. "This is to much shock for over the phone. I'll be at your house around 9-9:30." "At night?" "No morning, the building I'm working on now isn't that far away." Naruto nodded. "You have to drive safely." "Safer than Menma." Naruto pouted. "I'll talk to you tomorrow kit."

The other line went dead and Naruto looked puzzled. "Hello?" Sasuke smirked and took the phone. "He hung up kitten." Naruto shrugged and laid back down. Sasuke rubbed his thigh.
"Do you want me to take you home?" And like that his phone began to ring again.

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