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It's been a week since Naruto found out he was pregnant. Naruto now is avoiding Sasuke and being as obedient as a puppy so the baby doesn't get hurt from the punishments his father and brother make.

Naruto got out of Menmas car and ran into the front doors.

One thing Naruto hated about being pregnant was his mood swings. Anytime Menma or Minato raised their voice he had to fight back tears or the urge to kill them... it was mainly the tears though.
Naruto has been finding himself craving sweets which isn't good but his other cravings like tomatoes and some vegetables isn't a problem.

"Gaki." Naruto stopped heading for Asumas classroom and turned around. There Tsunade held up a stick of dango. Naruto felt drool ready to slide down his chin and licked his lips before gladly accepting the treat.
"Have you talk to Sasuke about the pregnancy?" Naruto stopped nibbling on the dango and lowered his head. "No... I've been avoiding him." Tsunade sighed. "He was already on edge." Tears built up at the corner of Narutos eyes. "I-I know..." he sniffled "I-I just... don't know how to t-tell him... o-or if h-he'll be o-ok with I-it." "Well you figure that out when you tell him." "But I don't wanna.. take care of this baby alone." Tsunade ruffled Narutos hair. "Just talk to him, I heard from Kakashi that he's completely changed." "C-changed?" Naruto looked up. Tsunade nodded, "He says Sasuke has a short temper and doesn't seem to be taking care of himself." Naruto clenched the dango stick in his hand. He nodded, "I-I'll try." Tsunade nodded. "Now go and eat quickly." Naruto nodded and waved as he walked away.


Iruka looked up and shook his head. "Sasuke sleep is essential." "Shut it." Iruka sighed.
Naruto than walked in and Iruka waved him over. Naruto tilted his head but walked to Iruka. "Can you find out what's wrong with Sasuke?" Naruto frowned. "Is he not okay?" Iruka sighed, "He's just... acting differently." Naruto nodded. "I'll try.." Iruka nodded. "Thanks Naruto.. oh and Tsunade said to give this to you." Iruka held up two Oreos in a bag and Naruto gladly accepted them. "Thanks." Iruka smiled.

One of the students tried to trip Naruto but he jumped and walked to his seat. The students that had watched this action seemed shocked they didn't get Ms. Naruko.

Naruto glanced toward Sasuke. His stomach churn in guilt.

Sasuke had dark bags under his eyes, his clothes were messy and he didn't wear a jacket though it was only 50 degrees outside. His hair wasn't brushed back like normal but messy with his bangs going everywhere.
His cheeks looked a little pink from being sleep deprived as well.

Naruto bit his lip. He didn't think his absence would take such an effect on the one he found himself to care deeply for.

Naruto put the bag on his desk and brought his notebook out. From the corner of his eye he could see someone trying to take his treat and smacked their hand away. "Ow." Naruto put the bag on his lap and replaced the empty desk with his notebook and pencil. "What the hell was that for?" "Please don't take what's mine." The student growled in annoyance.

Naruto opened his notebook to the last page and ripped the corner out. He wrote a quick note and slipped it on Sasukes desk.
Sasuke took one glance at the folded note and crumbled it. Naruto puffed his cheeks.

This went on for all of the classes they had together. At one point Sasuke even threw the crumpled notes back at Naruto.

'He's so mean. Throwing paper balls at the person who's pregnant with his child' Naruto sat down, continuing to complain. 'Sure I've been avoiding him but that's because I'm scared he'll reject the baby and I... but he probably doesn't know that... and thinks I've actually lost interest' Naruto wiped away his forming tears.

"Hey!" Naruto flinched at the sudden high pitched yell. He looked behind him to see Ayama and sighed. "Is there something you need?" Ayama sat down. "Yes, I've heard you've been avoiding my brother." 'I swear they have no secrets between each other' Naruto looked at Ayama. "I have." "Why?" Naruto flinched at Ayamas angered growl. "I have something to tell him... but I'm scared." "And why are you scared?" Ayama folded her arms in front of her chest. "It's a life choice." "Humph. My brother doesn't back out of anything." 'Trust me, I know' Naruto saw Sasuke leaving. "I-I gotta go." Naruto stood and Ayama raised a brow. "He forgot his tray." Ayama hummed as if thinking.


Sasuke had just lit a cigarette when it was taken from his lips and stomped on. Sasuke looked down to see Naruto beside him.

"Go away." Naruto frowned. "I need to tell you something." "Really? Tell me through a note, oh wait, I already crumpled them all." Naruto puffed his cheeks. "I also wanted to say sorry." Sasuke clicked his tongue. "Like you were sorry for avoiding me last time." Sasuke brought out another cigarette but Naruto threw it into the trash. "Is that why you started smoking?" Sasuke didn't answer and just brought out another cigarette. Naruto also threw that one away.

They played this game until Naruto took the pack and Sasukes lighter, throwing them into the trash.

"Would you stop it?!" Sasuke looked at Naruto annoyed. "I wasn't the one who bailed, if I want to cope this way-" "Ruining your body is a way of coping?" Sasuke growled.
Naruto folded his arms. "I wasn't bailing, I am scared." "Oh really? Need me to hold you? Or should your mommy do that?" Naruto scoffed. "I like you a lot better when you get a nights rest." Sasuke scowled and rolled his eyes.

He went to walk away but Narutos firm grip on his forearm stopped him.
"I'm pregnant, that's why I've been avoiding you."

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