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Sasuke sat at his groups usual lunch table, staring off to no where, thinking.

"Sasuke-kun!" Sasuke looked to his left to see the whore of the school, Haruno Sakura, was beside him. "What?"
Sasuke used his normal snarl that usually scared people off but Sakura was way to stupid to understand that.
"Are you alright?" Sakura ran her fingers over his arm. Sasuke rolled his eyes and slapped her hands away. "Don't touch me." Sakura frowned. "Oh there he is."

Sasuke looked at where Kiba was looking.
It was the same small blonde, he was walking toward them but to a different table.
"Hey gorgeous!" Kiba smacked Narutos ass. "I-I've asked y-you t-to p-please s-stop that." Kiba smirked. "Well then you'll have to make me." Naruto frowned and walked away.
Kiba turned around, chuckling until he saw Sasuke glaring at him.
"Keeps your hands to yourself dog." "Oh come on. Have you not seen his ass?" Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Doesn't fucking matter. Be the good pet you are and keep those filthy hands to yourself." "Do you like him or something?" They looked at Shikamaru who yawned. "What the fuck? No." "Mhm. So you just care for no apparent reason?" "I'm eating. I don't need to see Inuzuka smacking someone's ass." Kiba rolled his eyes. "Fine I'll do it in class." Shikamaru sighed. "Or maybe you could stop, he's clearly not interested." Kiba rolled his eyes. "Then why hasn't he stopped me?" "Because you not worth anyone's time."
They looked behind to see Rose.
"Oh yeah and what the fuck do you know?" "Naruto won't do anything, it's what our fathers ordered him to do." "And he's such a good boy he's listening?" "Do you see him kicking you half way across this lunch room?" Akari laughed, leaning on Roses side. "Yeah because that fucking mistake can lift 5 pounds." Rose rolled her eyes. "You and Menma are absolutely annoying. Do you not know about the Uzumaki eyes or some shit?" "The Uzumaki what?" Rose looked at Sakura. "The Uzumaki eyes. There those red eyes Naruto have, yeah with those us Uzumakis can throw your fat ass to New York." Sakura glared. "Your the fucking faggot here." "I'm not the one slurping down semen every second." Rose licked her lips.
"Your mother could say the same thing." Sakuras face hit the table. "Oops my hand slipped." Akari giggled. "Did you say something with that whorish mouth of yours?" Sakura glared at her, blood running from her nose. "Here, you look more hideous with your blood visible."

Rose and Akari walked away after that.

"Fucking hate those two." "Yeah what's worse is their shared brain cell." "Aren't they twins?" "Yeah the Junior twins." "What years their brother?" "Which one?"
They looked at Neji.
"Namikaze isn't their only brother?" Neji rolled his eyes. "Uzumaki Naruto is the youngest of the siblings." "Why isn't he named the same?!" They looked at Sakura. "From what I heard, after Naruto was born their mother died, that's why they treat Naruto so bad." "B-but n-Narutos n-nice." "Yeah well the world isn't exactly fair Hinata." Hinata frowned but nodded.

Sasuke glanced at Naruto who sat by himself at the end of the table.

"Please I bet he's treated like a princess!" They rolled their eyes at Sakuras screech. "Go suck someone's cock whore." Sakura glared at Shikamaru. "It's not like you get any." "I'm straight."
Temari kissed his cheek.
"Girlfriend." Temari pointed to herself and Shikamaru sighed.

Naruto walked into class, tripping over someone's foot.

Naruto looked up to see Yahiko smirking and frowned. He got up and walked to his seat in the back.

Naruto sat down, quickly getting his books out and flipping his notebook to an empty page.
Anko walked in and waved.

"Keep writing and doing your shit!" Most of the students rolled their eyes when Anko sat down and continued to eat her dango.
Naruto smiled and shook his head.

Anko was one of his favorite teachers, she was so childish and free. To him, she was really amusing and funny to watch.

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