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Sasuke glanced at Naruto, smirking when he saw Naruto fighting sleep.
A tap came to Sasukes window and he rolled it down. A man with purple hair leaned down, hands on knees.

"Who the hell are you?" "Uchiha Sasuke, I got a package." Sasuke gestured to Naruto with his thumb. "Naruto!"
Sasuke and Naruto jumped, Sasuke just not making it visible.
"Hm? Oh Kane." Naruto smiled. "What the fuck kid? Your uncles here." Narutos eyes sparkled. "Really?" Kane nodded. "You better hurry, I'm sure he's beating your fathers ass since your not there."

Sasuke drove to the front.
What Sasuke didn't expect was a kiss on the cheek from Naruto.

Sasuke watched as Naruto ran up the stairs and entered his house. He sighed and rubbed his cheek.
"Man I should help him out more."

Naruto was tackled, his head held by a strong arm while a fist was rubbing his hair roughly.

"Ow! Ow! Owie Uncle Kyuu!" "Where the hell were you?!" Kurama glanced at Narutos clothes. "And what the fucks with the outfit?!" Naruto blushed. "We-well my other clothes were.. s-stolen so-." "Stolen?!" Kurama grabbed Narutos shoulders, bending to his level, red eyes meeting red eyes. "Who the fuck took your other clothes?!" "U-um some.. p-people in my.. c-class." "They left you only in underwear?!" Naruto blushed. "W-what?! N-no!" Kurama sighed.
"Im beating their asses." Naruto giggled and held Kuramas arm before he could open the door. "It's fine someone helped me." "Who?" "Uchiha.. I don't know his first name." "You didn't ask?" Naruto blushed. "W-well I-I was.. b-busy w-with w-what was happening and.. didn't get a chance." Kurama chuckled and ruffled Narutos hair.

"Why are you wearing gym clothes?" The two looked to see Minato with a raised eyebrow.

This is when Naruto was grateful his uncle was here.
Kurama was Narutos favorite person in his family. Kurama always took Narutos side and always helped with any problem he had.. even dinner.. even if it came out burnt and Naruto had to redo it.

"I had some complications at school." "I know. I got a few calls that said you missed classes and didn't go to the office when they called you." Kurama frowned. "Kit?" "I-I'll explain later." Kurama sighed and nodded.
"Yeah Ms. Naruko doesn't want to say anything with an audience." Menma smirked, Naruto blushing and looking down. "Suck a fucking cock Menma." Menma rolled his eyes at his uncles comment. "Kit go change.. and wash those clothes they smell bad." Naruto nodded, grabbing his backpack and running upstairs.

Kurama smacked Menmas head. He groaned, rubbing the back of his midnight haired head.

"What the fuck?" "Learn manners Menma. If your grandmother or mother was alive, that crap wouldn't fly." Menma rolled his eyes and got another smack on the head.

Naruto came down in his usual clothing, Sasukes and Leanas clothing washing.

"Kit don't you have something else?" Kurama sighed.

Ever since Kurama could remember, all Naruto wore were formal clothes. When Naruto was a baby it was small jeans and a formal yellow shirt, when he was a toddler it was slacks and a formal orange shirt, when he was a kid it was jeans and formal red shirt, the red shirt stayed while the jeans changed from light blue to black.

Naruto tilted his head.
"I think my clothes are fine." "Yeah but comfy clothes. Like a T and sweats." Naruto thought and shrugged. "All I have is a baggy orange shirt and black shorts for sleep wear." Kurama looked at Minato. "Your are.." Kurama groaned. "I'm taking you shopping after school tomorrow." Naruto blushed. "No it's fine." Naruto waved his hands, knowing the clothes would only be thrown away after Kurama left. "Don't wave your hands at me.. and no your not throwing these clothes away." Kurama and Minato shared a look.

"Tomorrow Naruto will have extra school work since he missed most of today." Kurama looked at Menma. "Well if you can stay down here and eat crap food then Naruto can take a few hours off of his schedule to come with me instead of pleasing your dill holes." "Please us?" Menma chuckled, shaking his head. Naruto frowned. "I-I'll start dinner." Kurama sighed. "Naruto don't forget-." "He knows." Minato looked at Kurama absolutely annoyed. "Get off the 15 year olds back for a day or two alright Minato?" "He needs to do his homework." "He needs to eat dinner."
Minato growled when Kurama walked away.

"Why does he still come here? Mom isn't here." "It's so he can look over his precious Kit." Menma and Akari shared an annoyed look, Rose rolling her eyes. "He'll be leaving in a couple of days."

Kurama rolled his eyes.

"Do they not understand we can hear them?" Naruto looked at Kurama. "Well Menma and the other two didn't inherit our heightened senses.. so no." Kurama growled. "Kit why the hell do you listen to them?" Naruto frowned. "Well I'd rather do what they say instead of live as a house wife with no escape." "You call the hell hole where people bully you, an escape?" "Well its better than here.. fathers gotten rid of most of the maids so that just aids onto my work load.. school works easy so I'd rather do that and hear boring lectures than clean with the sound echoing off of the walls." "Yeah that would make you go mental." Naruto giggled. "It's fine. I just have to wait till I'm 18." Naruto shrugged. "Three more years." Kurama did a fake happy dance and Naruto smiled.
"But seriously Kit, have you made any friends?" Naruto shook his head. "What about that person who helped you?" "He's just helped me out once or twice, plus he doesn't seem like the person to have real friends." "What's his name again?" "Uchiha something. I don't know, he's really popular and a Junior so I don't see him unless it's the occasional run in." Kurama hummed. "Are you still in Freshman classes?" Naruto nodded. "You should be in Senior or something." Kurama sighed and Naruto smiled. "I like my teachers so it's alright." "While the students bully you." "Their just jealous I'm liked." Kurama chuckled. "Your somethin Kit." Naruto smiled.

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