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"Where are you?!" Naruto giggled when Sasuke held the phone away. "Mother calm down." "No! It is almost 7 and you skipped half of your classes and Ayama says Naruto wasn't in his!... what did you do with him?!" Sasuke looked dumbfounded. "And for a second I thought you cared more about your OWN SON!" Naruto covered his ears. "Don't yell at me young man! Where are you and what did you do with Naruto?!"
"They know my name?" "Long story."
"Who are you talking to? It better not be a girl." Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I'm talking to Naruto." "Put him on!" Sasuke sighed and put his phone on speaker.

"If this is Uzumaki Naruto please say something." Naruto giggled. "Hello~." Mikoto get her heart melt. "Oh my god you sound so cute! If you were hear I'd squish your cheeks and snuggle you so much!" Naruto blushed as Mikoto continued to fan girl.
"Mother your objective of calling Sasuke." "Oh right." Mikoto cleared her throat and Naruto smiled. "Where are you young man?!" Naruto covered his ears again while Sasuke rolled his eyes. "I'm in my car outside of school." It was silent for a moment than Itachis voice came in, "Why are you still at school... and with Naruto?" "Because Naruto was a bitch but we solved it." Naruto hit Sasukes chest. Itachi sighed. "Are you coming home at all?" "Yes... and I'm bringing Naruto." "Wha? Sasuke." "Ok, mother he's bringing Naruto!" Naruto blushed and Sasuke smirked. "We'll be there soon." "Alright.. don't do anything to him Uchiha Sasuke." "Don't use my name." "Naruto do you want to know Sasukes full name?" Sasuke hung up before Naruto could answer. Naruto pouted. "Why can't I know your full name?" "My middle name is embarrassing.. now get dressed." "You were the one not letting my dress before." Naruto huffed. "I know." Sasuke smirked. "I like feeling your skin against mine." Naruto blushed.

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