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"I'm bored~~!"
Amaya looked around the cafeteria and stood. Sasuke raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?" "To talk to someone." Amaya smiled and walked toward Naruto. "How do you deal with her Sasuke-kun?! She's such.. well such a good girl!" "She's my sister watch it." Sakura glared at Amaya, jealous she got Sasukes attention instead of her.

Amaya sat down and Naruto sighed.
"Yes?" Amaya pouted. "Do you not know how to start a conversation?" "Well I'm eating." "Don't you talk to your family while you eat?" "No. Does it seem like they talk to me unless needed?" Amaya huffed, her cheeks puffed. "Well.." Naruto looked at her. "How about you come to my house, like a sleepover." "I'm straight." Amaya laughed, catching Naruto off guard. "Oh honey you ain't straight." Amaya gestured to all of Naruto. "Whys that funny?" "It's funny you think your straight." "Well I've never dated anyone so I won't put a label on myself." "Ever think of a man in a way?" "What way?" Amaya held her chest. "Oh your so innocent." Naruto frowned. "Anyways what I mean is.." Amaya looked around and pointed to her brother. "Have you ever thought of Sasuke in a way?" Naruto stared at Sasuke. "... No." Amaya pouted. "Then why'd you take so long to answer?" "Because he's staring at you." Amaya looked over and Sasuke looked away. "He's just protective." "Yes I know. He's threatened me." Amaya frowned. "Why?" "Because I told you to go away." "Why did you tell me to go away?" Naruto sighed and stood. "Where are you going?" "You coming or not?" Amaya didn't answer and followed Naruto without a second thought.

"You usually go into the girls bathroom?" "No but your a girl and I don't care." Amaya nodded.
Naruto started to unbutton his shirt and Amaya put her hands over her eyes. "You can look. I'm not stripping." "Your unbuttoning your shirt." "Not my pants."
Amaya huffed and let her hands fall.

Naruto sat his shirt on the counter and untucked his tank top, that's where he stopped.

"Tell or speak a word of this and I'll hurt you." "Cross my heart hope to die." Amaya did the whole routine because Naruto seemed very serious about it.
Naruto sighed and lifted his tank top up, laying it with his shirt.

Amaya stared, mouth wide open in shock.

Bruises old and new covered Narutos body, some were clearly new while some were old, like Amaya coming to school old.

"You need to tell someone about this Naruto!" "What will they do? Call child services? Remember who my father is Amaya."
Naruto put his clothes back on.
"Well my family could help!" "It would get on the news and I don't need everyone knowing I've been abused my whole life. I already do everything I can to stop this stuff, but you and your brother are so persistent." Amaya frowned. "That's because of Sasuke and I?" "When Sasuke left after giving me that dish when I was sick, Menma beat me because I let an Uchiha into the house. When you talked to me, hugged me, Menma told my father." "So Namikazes the whole problem?" Amaya crossed her arms. "Think of it this way, Menma and my father are the ones who enforce the rules, the physical abusers, now add my twin sisters who call me merchandise like I'm a doll on a toy self for someone to buy.. it all just hurts, I don't want pain and I got 3 years till I can move out. Just get off my back for 3 years." "We'll be out of high school by than!" "Exactly. I'll go off to college like the rest of the students here.. or the ones who want to go to college. When I'm 18 it'll all go away, because I'll become an adult and be able to do things I can't now." "For 3 more years?" "Yes." "You know Namikaze and the Namikaze twins won't move out of that house." "I know it's sad." "It is but- don't throw me off!" Naruto chuckled.

".... What if my parents adopt you?"
Naruto looked at Amaya like she was an idiot.
"Than they'll have to go through, my father, my lying siblings, my godparents, Iruka and Kakashi." Amaya huffed. "I hope you know you named all adults.. and some toddlers." "Yes. Iruka and Kakashi don't know what's happening so they'll be fighting against it. My father and the others won't want to loose the money I'll bring to be a perfect "husband" or "wife" whatever it is and my godparents.. well they kinda know but they'll still be against the idea since your Uchihas." "What does your family have against us?" Amaya crossed her arms. "Fugaku took over Granny's hospital, Jiraiya and him just aren't on good terms, my father and yours has a raging war between the companies and Iruka and Kakashi will go with my father since my father took Kakashi in from the streets and irukas married to Kakashi." "... Their married?" Naruto nodded. "Iruka just uses his surname so it won't get confusing." Amaya nodded.
"... Why don't you tell Sasuke?" "Because he's not rash and also.. I was a bitch to him." Amaya raised an eyebrow. "How?" "It scared me because he got my life almost spot on... so I said for him to do what he does best.. and stay out of my life." Amaya looked at Naruto dumbfounded. "Your an absolute moron." "I know!" Amaya sighed. "So you'll keep getting hurt until your 18?" "Yeah pretty much." "When's your birthday?" "October 10th." "Have you ever celebrated it?" "Hm? Oh no, I only know when my birthday is because my family always went "this is the day you killed your mother" to me." Amaya frowned. "You know you didn't kill her right?" Naruto smiled. "Her last actions gave the world a genius, so yes, yes I know." "You do brag." "I don't brag, I was just saying.. plus if I bragged than all I would get is hatred, I don't need more of that." Amaya sighed.

The bell rang.

"Don't forget to never speak a word of this." "Yeah yeah."

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