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"Kyuu breakfast is in the fridge." Kurama hummed, turning over on the couch. Naruto shook his head, running out and buckling up before Menma took off like a fucking maniac.

Naruto walked into school, Sasukes and Leanas clothes in his backpack.

Naruto tapped Sasukes back and he looked over his shoulder. Naruto handed him his clothes and said thanks again before running off.
Sasuke sighed.


Naruto entered his class and walked up to Leana. She looked up and looked surprised to see Naruto holding out her dress.

"I washed it so it doesn't smell bad." Leana smiled and took it. "Thanks. Oh and do you like it? It was just a dress I bought out of boredom." Naruto blushed. "If you don't tell anyone." Leana nodded. "I'm not a bitch." Naruto nodded and smiled. "It's a really pretty dress and the fabric is nice so it doesn't hurt your skin." Leana smiled and nodded.

Naruto walked to his seat, sitting down.
Iruka walked in and walked to Naruto.

"Naruto why didn't you go to the office yesterday?" Naruto blushed. "Sorry I had some complications." Iruka sighed and handed Naruto a piece of paper. "These are your new classes, you'll be with the Juniors and yes you still have the same teachers it different class periods." Naruto nodded and smiled. "Thank you." Iruka smiled. "Don't let your grades slip though." Naruto nodded.
"Oh golden boys getting more respect." Naruto frowned and looked down. "Open that mouth of yours and you and Ally will actually get a punishment for that prank you pulled yesterday." Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Ah Naruto! You decided to join us." Naruto blushed. "I'm sorry." Yamato waved a hand. "All of us heard what happened." Naruto blushed. "Anyways your not doing anything from yesterday and homework today isn't necessary. Monday is when you should start caring about homework again." Naruto nodded. "You can go sit down." "Ok thanks Mr. Yamato." "I've told you to just call me Yamato." Yamato sighed and Naruto giggled. "Sorry it's a habit." "Just go sit down weirdo." Naruto smiled and walked to his seat.

"Golden boys in the classroom." "Watch out your grades will look pathetic to his 300%." Everyone laughed while Naruto frowned but just got his notebook out.

Even if Naruto was going to be joining the Juniors, he wanted to at least be on top of things for now.

"Ok dill holes!" The Juniors class Anko was currently teaching, went silent. "Tomorrow we'll be getting a transfer student. He is a Freshman and yes you all know who he is. To you pathetic bastards he's the loser who wears a dress! Also not funny seeing as he is nothing but a kind boy who did nothing to you dumbasses!" "Are you talking about Uzumaki? Yeah no offense teach but a boy who shows off his grades and body like that, deserves what he got!" "Oh shut the fuck up forehead! Your just jealous because he looks good in anything! Oh and he doesn't brag your just a fucking bitch!" "What the hell did you say to me Pig?!"

Sakura rolled her eyes, Ino now ignoring her and looking back at Anko.

"If I hear anyone of you step out of line! There will be major consequences! You guys are messing with the principals godson! Irukas nephew!" "They aren't blood related!" "Kakashi and Iruka know Naruto better than anyone in this fucking school! Doesn't matter and keep that fucking mouth of yours shut Haruno! You touch that boy and you'll know what school punishment is! Got it?!" "Yes."

Anko sighed when a hand was raised.

"What is it Uchiha?" "Why the hell is he transferring classes?" "Why Naruto is transferring is because his IQ is above standards for a freshmen! Iruka thinks he should be in Senior but Lady Tsunade doesn't want anymore trouble for him.. and Sophomore year is what year Namikaze Menma is in! We don't need that jerk hole Namikaze making his life more hell than it is here! And yes I know you've heard this speech if you're in more than one of Narutos classes but I don't give a fuck!"

Anko sat down, sighing.

"Get to work I'm done with announcements!" Sakura rolled her eyes. "Some teacher you are." "Watch it Haruno, people may be scared of your mother but I ain't one." Sakura rolled her eyes and opened her computer, really just being on social media with her phone "hidden".

Naruto got home, Kurama greeting with a mouth full.

"Kyuu what are you eating?" Kurama shrugged. "Something that was in the fridge." Naruto looked at the container and sighed. "That was just a few days ago, we're good." "Hey! I'm no weakling!" Naruto giggled. "Yeah but we don't need you getting food poisoning." Kurama grumbled.
"Anyways how was school?" "Good, I'm transferring to Junior classes." "Oh shit really? Which teacher made that happen?" "Iruka." "Not surprised, he's had you since you were little." Naruto smiled.

Kurama stood, putting the empty container in the sink.

"I'm gonna get ready." "For what?" Akari raised an eyebrow. "Going shopping." "Oh can I come?!" "If your buying something, no." "What why?" Akari furrowed her eyebrows. "Because you already have enough clothes." Akari rolled her eyes, flopping back down on the chair.

"Kit you got your homework done?" "Oh I don't have any until Monday." Kurama held a thumbs up, going upstairs. "Of course you don't."
Naruto looked at Menma who was pulling marshmallows from the top shelf.
"Your the perfect boy, you get everything." Naruto frowned. "It's just because I'm switching classes." Menma glared at him and he looked away. "Who said you could talk?" Menma pushed Naruto into the counter, his lower back surging with pain. "Just because our uncle is here doesn't mean you get to act big and tough. Just because fucking Uchiha helps you twice doesn't mean your a fucking badass. Your just a small, helpless and defensively brat."

Menma walked away, Naruto lowering his head.

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