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Naruto was walking down the sidewalk. He wore baby blue jeans with black boots, a long sleeved orange shirt and Sasukes hoodie.

Today it was only 30 degrees and unlucky for Naruto, his family took the news of him being pregnant horribly.
Naruto sniffled and put the hood on to try and keep his ears warm but it really didn't do anything.

A car beeped and Naruto looked over. The window rolled down to show famous Uchiha Sasuke.
"Hey gorgeous wanna ride?" Naruto sniffled and ran to the car. He opened Sasukes door and crawled on his lap, hugging him.
Sasuke was surprised by the sudden action but closed the door and pulled over. His hand then went to Narutos thigh, rubbing it while his other lowered the hood.

"You ok?" Naruto shook his head and Sasuke pulled him closer. "Did your family not take the news well?" Sasuke heard Narutos muffled sob. "My father just yelled about how I broke his rules... a-and Menma was just pissed I so much as looked at you." Naruto tightened his grip. "Kyuu even ignored the news and yelled at my father." Sasuke frowned and lifted Narutos chin.
Tears ran down Narutos rosy cheeks while his nose was red and his sniffling kept it from running.

Sasuke wiped the tears and kissed Narutos forehead before his nose than his lips. "You still have my family and I." Naruto nodded and hugged him again.

They sat in silence for a little while.
"... Do you wanna ditch school today?" "N-no." Sasuke put Naruto in the passenger seat. He rubbed Narutos cheek and kissed him. "I'll have my mother call in for us.. we'll go to my house alright." Naruto wanted to protest but decided it would be best. He nodded and Sasuke tangled their fingers, kissing Narutos hand. "Have you ate breakfast?" "No." "Than let's go get you something."
Sasuke drove off, knowing a place Naruto may like.

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