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A loud knock came to the door, Naruto opening it when he got there.
Naruto tilted his head, seeing Sasuke with a dish in hand.

"Why are you answering the door?" Naruto coughed, covering his mouth with the sleeve of his hoodie. "Uh.. well no one else.. would've." Naruto moved aside and Sasuke took the invitation. "Is a maid cleaning or something?" "Why?" "It smells like product." Naruto nodded. "Uh no.. I'm cleaning." "Wheres your father?" "Work."
Sasuke put the dish down.
"Why?" Naruto raised an eyebrow. "Because he's the he-." "I know he's the head." "Than.. why are you asking?" Naruto sipped his tea. "Because he's supposed to be here, taking care of you." Naruto felt like laughing.
Minato? Take care of him? Oh that's funny.
Naruto turned around, a hand being placed on his forehead afterwards. "Your still burning up." Naruto looked puzzled. "I'm sorry?" "Don't apologize." Naruto went to say sorry but kept his mouth shut. "Why isn't Minato here, taking care of you?" "Uchiha because-." "Because of work? Yeah see the thing Uzumaki is that a child is more important then some paperwork." "I-I don't know.. what you.. want me to say.." Sasuke clenched his fists, than he saw the work on the kitchen table. "What's that?" Naruto looked at the table. "Oh my school work. Rose said Iruka threatened her if she didn't bring it to me."
Now Sasuke was pissed.
"Your not supposed to be doing homework! Your not supposed to be cleaning! Your supposed to be in bed, getting to eat sweets, taking medicine and watching TV!" Naruto flinched at Sasukes harsh tone. "I-I don't watch.. TV." "What person doesn't watch-." Sasuke sighed deeply, cutting himself off. "What do you usually do when your sick?" Naruto crossed his arms, thinking.
He shrugged. "I go to school, make the meals, clean-." "Every fucking thing you do when not sick?" Naruto nodded. "I'm usually just sick.. for a couple of days so.." Sasuke held the counter, almost breaking it. "And your fine with that?" ".. I-I don't know.. what you w-want me to say Uchi-." "Don't call me Uchiha I don't like it, call me Sasuke." "Sas-." "Do you do everything everyone says for you to do?!" Naruto jumped, kinda scared. "W-well you a-asked." "Everyone calls me Uchiha! What does it matter that you call me it!"

They heard a click, Naruto quickly grabbing the dish and putting it in the oven. Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows in confusion of why Naruto is cleaning up his work so fast until Minato came into view.
His eyes turning red, three tomoes around his black pupils.

"You fucker!" Naruto held Sasukes arm, a hand on his chest. "Sasuke stop." Sasuke growled.
Without thinking he pushed Naruto away, beginning to go off on the elder who was enraged yet confused.
Naruto stumbled, hitting his head on the counter.

Sasuke looked over, as Narutos eyes fluttered close, his knocked out body falling to the floor.


That was the last thing that rang into Narutos ears.

"Naruto. Naruto!"

Naruto opened his eyes slowly, white all around him, something soothing moving through his hair.
Naruto made a cat like noise and sighed. He looked up, meeting beautiful dark velvet eyes.

A woman with fiery red hair smiled, rubbing Narutos cheek.

"Your whiskers are like Kuramas, I bet he does this when your asleep."
Naruto didn't speak, his eyes teary as if he was seeing someone special he's just meeting again. The woman giggled.
"Not going to speak my little fox?" "Mo-mom?" Kushina smiled. "I knew you were gonna be special Naruto." The tears broke their barrier, he sat and hugged her. "I'm sorry." Kushina frowned. "For what Naru?" "If I wasn't born..*sniffle* you'd be alive with.. with the others." Kushina shook her head and pulled Naruto out of her grip, holding his shoulders firmly but gently. "I'm the one who left you with them.." Kushina wiped Narutos tears and started crying herself. "I've seen what they've done and what their doing... I'm so sorry Naru, Minato had promised to never hurt our children, our family... but look at you, your as skinny as a twig." Kushina ran her hand through his hair. "You are so different from Minato, yet you are like his little copy." Kushina frowned, Naruto fell back into her arms. "I've always wanted to hold you Naruto." "I've always wanted you to hold me."

They stayed like that, Naruto breathing deeply in Kushinas hold, taking in her smell. Kushina held him close, kissing his head once in a while.

"Naruto. Come on wake up."

Kushina smiled.
"Sasuke." Naruto looked at Kushina. "You know him?" Kushina nodded. "He and his twin are only about three months and two years older than you, he seems to care for you Naruto." Kushina smiled when Sasuke called out to Naruto again. "Naruto go to him." "I'd rather stay here." "Yes I know. But you can't." Naruto frowned. "Don't worry, you'll see me one day.. but not for a while, you need to have a family." "I don't like any girl's mom." Kushina laughed. "Don't listen to Minato, he's old school like your grandfather, go for anyone you want.. little heads up though, Sasuke." She winked and Naruto blushed.

"I'll see you not anytime soon Naruto."


Naruto scrunched his nose, moving, his cheek rubbing on rough fabric. Naruto opened his eyes slowly, his father behind the couch, glaring while.. Sasuke? was just above him.
Naruto sat up, rubbing his aching head.

"You shouldn't move like that." Naruto looked at Sasuke. "Well if someone hadn't pushed me-." Naruto looked at his father and sighed. "Sorry." Sasuke looked annoyed. "Your such a push over." Sasuke stood.
"I gotta go. My mother will get worried if I'm not back soon." "Have fun." Naruto waved but Sasuke didn't pay any mind.

When the door closed, Minato smacked the exact spot of Narutos head that was hit on the counter.

"Get your homework done, I'm fed up with your crap." Naruto frowned, standing up from the couch.

Sasuke growled.
"Sorry, he says. What the fuck is there to say sorry for?"

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