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Ezra's mind goes completely blank at his manager's announcement, mentally blocking out the excited squeals from the girls

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Ezra's mind goes completely blank at his manager's announcement, mentally blocking out the excited squeals from the girls. His attention moves to his own bandmates, and their trained focus on anything else but him is confirmation enough that they already knew.

"You'll have full access to every amenity available. There's private recording studios, a pool, and a professional kitchen staff. We want you to be as comfortable as possible here," Jeff explains, "All we ask is that you show up for the practice sessions we've scheduled. We'll send everyone the details as to what that will look like for the upcoming weeks."

Ezra can feel the rage boiling up inside him knowing he was likely the cause of their decision to force everyone into one contained area for close supervision. Perhaps last night was his final chance at doing the right thing. Big surprise that he blew it.

"Are you fucking serious?" He interjects after a moment, causing utter stillness in the room. He's used to sucking all the joy and excitement out of whatever is in his vicinity, but it feels different this time. It almost feels like he's the only one on the outside looking in.

"I know this is a surprise for you, Ezra," Jeff begins in his nauseating, pacifying tone, "But we think it's best. We've rearranged everyone's schedules so that this can work."

The blonde singer looks at him with an expression he's never quite seen before. Is she, dare he say, hopeful? It's as if she's expecting to see a change in him, a flicker of someone who is willing to make sacrifices for the sake of everyone else. Better shut that shit down immediately.

"We?" he questions with a scoff, "Oh, so you all had a little meeting about it without me."

"Do you really want to do this right now?" Jude laments, attention moving momentarily towards a petite brunette. It's clear he doesn't want to make a bad impression for whatever pathetic reason.

"You think telling me the news in front of some broads is gonna change my reaction? Do you really think I'm that fucking predictable?" He waits a moment, seeing if his demands will work. When they don't, he exasperatedly throws in, "We're supposed to be bandmates."

"Then start acting like it," Ambrose warns with a stern tone, "Maybe sharing a place and having a set schedule will get you to actually show up. We've got lives, too, Ezra. You think it's easy for us to drop our shit? What about these girls? You're making something that's supposed to be good, miserable."

For a moment, his attention flickers to the members of his opening act. They're visibly uncomfortable with his blowup, and Ezra knows he's confirming every last rumor they've heard. Maybe if he wasn't so goddamn embarrassed, he'd stop digging himself into a deeper hole.

The lead singer hasn't stopped her gawking up at him, though her features have shifted from hopeful to downright outraged. He's growing increasingly annoyed by her presence. Who the hell does she think she is to be looking at him like that?

"I'm not staying in a goddamn shoebox so that you can all feel better about this tour. If you all want to play Full House, go ahead. But count me out," he says before directing his full attention to the femme, "Care to comment or are you just gonna fuckin' stare at me?"

She rolls her eyes, a scoff clearly caught in her throat. Her lips part to retort, but she's cut off before she can even begin. "Billie," the sharp featured woman warns with tight lips, but it appears that their lead singer is just as uncontrollable as he is.

"Yeah, I do care to comment," she retorts, turning her attention once more at him, "Us broads may be the only ones stupid enough to say yes to opening for you. So, think about showing us and everyone else here a little more respect before we all decide it's not worth the trouble. I hate to break it to you, but you're not nearly as great or important as you think you are to be throwing this kind of tantrum."

Billie's final remark causes her manager to rest her face in her palms while Jude and Ambrose attempt to bite back their smiles and laughter. Her bandmates aren't as eloquent with hiding their reactions. The tattooed brunette moves to playfully nudge the brown skinned girl next to her. Ezra merely blinks back at Billie, somewhat impressed that anyone has the nerve to speak so candidly to him.

"You're going to learn very quickly that this tour won't happen without me," Ezra reminds cooly, "You, however, are replaceable. So, I'd think about that the next time you decide to open your mouth."

"And maybe if you would've shut yours off from all that liquor, you could've had your pick of opening acts," she replies far too quickly for his taste with a cocky shrug, "But I'm guessing you and I aren't the only ones here who feel stuck with your shitty choices."

"You don't know a goddamn thing about me."

Her features falter for a moment, fiery eyes burning into his. "You don't know me, either." And it almost sounds like a threat.

"Billie," the manager warns again with a firmer tone before turning to Jeff. "I'm so sorry. The girls are happy to stay here before the tour. Whatever you need from them, please, don't hesitate to ask. Again, so sorry." Jeff offers his own apologies for Ezra's behavior, which causes the singer to let out a huff of his own.

The visibly embarrassed woman moves to corral the girls towards the door, though they're rather slow to exit. It's clear everyone is dumbfounded by what has just occurred. Well, everyone but Ezra and Billie. Still, the singers' eyes remain locked as she and the rest of the girls are pushed out of the meeting room.

"See you around, neighbors," someone from their band states as the door opens out towards the hall. Everyone but Billie awkwardly waves towards Grand Motel's members.

Once they've left, Jeff can't help but let out a long, frustrated sigh. Ezra moves to grab the cigarette tucked behind his ear, practically ignoring everyone in the room as he weighs his options. "Well, that couldn't have gone any worse," his manager laments.

"We didn't mean to ambush you like that," Ambrose explains after a moment of silence. "Jude and I planned to talk with you last night to give you a heads up." Ezra doesn't need further explanation to piece together why they didn't have their heart to heart.

"Fuckin' forget it," Ezra states in a low tone as he fidgets with the cigarette between his calloused fingers. "You've been doing shit as a duo long before this. But it's the last time you make a decision without me or I'm out. I mean it."

Ezra Moore won't be made a fool of again, especially in front of that nobody blonde.

"Whatever you say," Jude offers dismissively, uncaring of whatever empty threats the singer has to offer. Ambrose just offers an affirmative nod in response. Still, it's clear now that everyone has reached their limits.

"When do we move in?" Ezra reluctantly asks, accepting his fate with their living accommodations and the rest of this tour.

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