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Ezra can feel that genuine smile creeping up on him once more, brain still buzzing from the nicotine and his interaction with Billie

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Ezra can feel that genuine smile creeping up on him once more, brain still buzzing from the nicotine and his interaction with Billie. He wasn't so sure about the femme in the beginning. Frankly, he thought she'd be more of a problem than anything else, but her eagerness to play his games and even try to win is confirmation enough that she's a worthy opponent.

Truth be told, being stuck in his own personal hell in this building left very little room for fun. Though trouble always seemed to find the male, he didn't expect it to be packaged into a petite, mouthy blonde this time. Lucky him.

He shakes his head at the thought of someone, who he towers nearly five inches over, giving him such a hard time. Literally. His hand shamelessly moves to readjust himself in his trousers.

'Next time you want to see if you can stir that whiskey dick of yours, try it out with someone else.' The words ring in his ears, a soft chuckle following as he takes the final drag from his cigarette. She has no idea what kind of things she just stirred inside him. While annoyance dominated much of his emotions when it came to Billie, that skimpy dress and the way her lips pressed against his cigarette ignited something inside him he couldn't quite put out.

Only recently had he found her even attractive. Their first meeting and practice had put him off out of arrogance. Truthfully, Ezra just didn't like to be reminded of how disliked he truly was. Tonight, however, had put Billie in an entirely different light. Admittedly, he would fuck just about anyone, but it took a special kind of girl to really turn him on.

Still, she's entirely frustrating. Had she been less consumed with concealing her arousal, maybe she would've noticed his. That thought nearly sets him over the edge. He'd been playing nice all night in an attempt to make Jeff and his bandmates happy. But now, he's in need of some kind of release.

His hand instinctively reaches for the glass vial in his pocket. He peers over towards the bend where the crowd remains, fingertips tapping some white powder on the back of his free hand before snorting it when the coast is clear. Pinching at his nostrils, his head tips back towards the stars. It's funny how he can't seem to locate any tonight. Just like the sky, he's alone again.

Somehow, Ezra always finds himself disconnected from everyone else. Upon returning to the crowd, he realizes no one even noticed his departure or arrival. Billie is over by the bar, back turned from where she'd know he'd return. It's so evident that everyone enjoys her company. She meshes right back into the crowd, as if she never left. It wouldn't be a surprise if she, too, forgot about him. For a moment, he thinks he hears her laugh. It's enough to make his stomach knot.

So, Ezra does what he knows best to forget the moment they shared. It's not difficult to find another girl interested in his company. In fact, all it takes is one look and a brunette with perky breasts and a beautiful smile is headed his way. For a moment, the male tries to center himself. Time shifts in a way he can't really comprehend. The air feels crisp, skin buzzing as she strokes her long nails against his forearm. How long had they been standing here together for?

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