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He nearly freezes at the sound of her voice, and it takes Ezra a moment to recalibrate

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He nearly freezes at the sound of her voice, and it takes Ezra a moment to recalibrate. Shit, shit, shit. This is not how he planned on seeing her next. In fact, he thought he had seen her leave with Monte. That's why he's up here.

The entire night he had to watch from afar as she gave all her attention to someone else. He knew it would be inevitable with the competition, but something just rubbed him the wrong way seeing her completely enveloped by the photographer's presence. She knew he was there and had said nothing, and Ezra just assumed that his chances were minimal tonight.

He finally turns towards her while pinching at his burning nostrils. "Thought you left with your boyfriend." His tone is neutral, unwilling to show how jealous he's become. Though, Ezra has never been a good actor.

"I have to pee," she motions to the toilet, completely dismissing his comment. His attention flickers to the coke resting on the sink counter, and it causes Billie to scoff. "Jesus Christ," she mutters, "It'll be three minutes. Don't worry, I'll watch it for you."

He steps out of the bathroom, back leaning against the adjacent wall as she slips in after and shuts the door behind her.

She hadn't left. Billie just walked him out, and she had decided to stay. But why? His thoughts are racing a mile a minute at the prospect that she had been looking for him.

By the time she flushes and begins running the water, Ezra is standing right in front of the bathroom door in anticipation of her opening it. When she does, she nearly knocks right into him. "Move," she demands, tone laced with an anger he can't quite place.

"No, we're talking for a minute," he commands in reply, unwilling to budge from his position in front of the door.

"I don't have anything to say to you," she spits with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Step back," he offers in return, tone firm but softer than before, "You're all pissed off, and I'm going to figure out why."

She scoffs, eyes flickering up towards the ceiling as she mentally debates her options. After another huff, Billie reluctantly steps back. In turn, Ezra moves into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him.

"You want to know what's wrong, huh?" She taunts, arms still crossed defensively.

"Yeah," he nods, "That's why I fuckin' asked you to step back."

"I think it's pretty obvious why I'm upset," she practically laughs, "Who wouldn't be? You feed me bullshit lines about how much you want me and how I make you feel like a person, and then you turn around and ghost me the same night."

"The other night —"

"I don't want your shitty excuses," she interrupts, "Do you honestly think I don't notice that you look like shit. I have to say, though, I'm surprised you're still here. I would've thought you'd jump at the opportunity to be inside that girl again."

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