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"Welcome to Chicago!" Monica and Jeff exclaim in unison, clearly running on a high in anticipation of kicking off this tour

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"Welcome to Chicago!" Monica and Jeff exclaim in unison, clearly running on a high in anticipation of kicking off this tour. Though the events that occurred during and after their farewell party back at the suites had left Billie in somewhat of a daze, her mind seems to completely omit that night when they arrive at the first stop in the tour.

The girls are brimming with energy and anticipation to be playing at such a large venue, and for the first time, Billie is not afraid of the outcome of this tour. Something deep inside her seems assured that they are going to come out of this thing on top.

"The tour buses are all set up, so you'll be traveling in them from here on out. Now, let's see ..." Jeff outlines before sifting through some information on his phone, "Alright, girlcrush's bus is located on Lot 2. The boys are going to be here soon. They're currently touring the stadium, which we'll show you tomorrow for soundcheck."

"We wanted to go over logistics with you before we set you loose on the city," Monica adds with a smile etched on her features. It's a rare sight to see her this happy, which puts any harboring fears of Billie's at ease.

It's really happening. They're going to be touring with alternative's biggest band, and it all starts right here.

"You'll have fittings with your stylist after this. Rehearsals begin tomorrow promptly at seven in the morning. And, I'm sure I don't have to remind you that the big night is on Friday, but we start prepping at one with a final soundcheck for the eight o'clock show. Sound good?"

The girls can barely contain their excitement as they all nod eagerly. Usually, Billie would be blabbing about all their plans with Sloane, but she finds herself keeping as much distance between the femme as possible without stirring suspicions. They haven't talked since the night she walked in on her and Daria. Though Billie isn't upset, she finds herself in an awkward position with her bandmates now, especially with Callie entirely out of the loop.

Monica moves to speak again before she's abruptly interrupted by the sound of the door whooshing open. A tall male, equipped with a camera bag, stumbles in. "Sorry," he blurts out to the crowd of people, cheeks already turning red against his tanned complexion. "I got lost. This place is huge."

Monica motions for the male to come forward, and Billie allows herself to give him a once over as the stranger reorients himself. He's incredibly handsome, semi-long brown hair hidden by a strapback hat. Admittedly, he looks like he just stepped off the beach or the skate park with his hoodie and baggy blue jeans, but there's something so effortlessly attractive about him. "Not a problem. Everyone this is Monte," Monica announces, "He's going to be your photographer for the tour. We're going to be using his pictures and videos for social media and other promotional content."

He offers a quick wave at the girls before his eyes fall on Billie. He's got this toothy grin on his face, though his features remain rather cool and collected. "It's nice to meet you all. I'm excited to start," he beams, and she can't help but smile back.

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