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God, he just didn't know when to shut his fucking mouth

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God, he just didn't know when to shut his fucking mouth. They had such a good thing going and he had to ruin it for himself.

Though it's clear now that he pissed her off, Ezra can't seem to figure out what exactly she wants from him. One minute she hates him, the next she's begging him to fuck her. One minute she wants no strings attached, the next she's asking about his tattoos.

Frankly, Ezra isn't sure what role she wants him to play — the asshole trying to get his dick wet or how he truly feels. He desperately wants to know her beyond their little game, but every conversation feels like a minefield.

He shouldn't have asked her who was better at getting her off, but curiosity got the better of him. Though he doesn't want to admit it, Ezra is still jealous of her relationship with Monte. She clearly likes the photographer more than him and doesn't make an effort to hide that fact.

Ezra shouldn't be getting this caught up in a girl that clearly wanted nothing but sex. If anything, this is a good thing. He keeps telling himself over and over again that it is. He's not ready for something serious, and she's giving him the perfect opportunity to continue fucking her with no strings attached.

So, why can't he stop thinking about her all the time? It's like he's trying to get through the hours of the day just to savor their few shared moments. It's a shame most of them end up soured.

Today is no different. Billie had let him into a small but intimate part of her life, and he blew it. Huge shocker there. Yet, for a moment, he could swear she was looking up at him with those same eyes she gave Monte as he explained his tattoos.

He would give anything for her to look at him like that again. All he's seen is her fiery irises glowering up at him, but that moment was different. She was looking at him like he was someone else, like he could be something else to her.

When they got down from the apartment, he insisted on finding his way back to the venue by himself. There was no way in hell they were going to make it back together in that car in one piece. And, to his dismay, Billie didn't object to him walking.

When he finally made it back to the venue, he was immensely late. The girls were already off getting ready for their set, while the boys seemed unfazed by his return. Ezra always disappeared and reappeared at strange times. This was no different from his usual behavior.

The show went on just fine, but all the while Ezra could feel this pit forming in his stomach. Things had miraculously gone back to normal, and Billie continued acting as if he didn't exist. While she made no outwardly affectionate moves with Monte, it was clear she had gotten enough of Ezra for the time being.

After Grand Motel's performance ends, the group mingles around in the green room for a bit. The energy in the room is practically buzzing after one of the biggest shows of their tour, and no one plans on turning in early for the night. Ezra is thankful for the excuse to drink and snort himself into oblivion. He'd need the distraction if he'd have to watch Billie dance all over her little boyfriend all night.

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