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Billie could feel this inexplicable weight resting on her chest as they arrived at the club, only for it to slowly melt away with each passing hour

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Billie could feel this inexplicable weight resting on her chest as they arrived at the club, only for it to slowly melt away with each passing hour. As promised, Ezra had remained on his best behavior that night. He had not left her sight and seemed content with his tonic water and lime while the rest of the gang drank far too much. He was sober, and whatever she thought she saw in his eyes must've been a figment of her own imagination.

When she awakens the following morning in Grand Motel's tour bus, Billie reminds herself of the fact that Ezra had kept his promise. She white knuckles the idea — almost smothering any fear with the simple truth that Ezra had proved her wrong. Still, the remnants of that familiar and looming weight begins to grow. This time, however, the feeling is one of shame, rather than fear or worry.

She feels guilty that she hadn't given him the benefit of the doubt. She hadn't believed him, and Ezra had given her no reason to think otherwise. She had been driving herself crazy since she saw those dilated eyes, and she refuses to let it continue. With a resolute breath, Billie moves from the bunk bed and heads towards the sound of his music.

"Morning," she greets with a groggy tone.

"Morning," Ezra echoes with a warm smile, fingers resting on his strings as if he's completely focused on her presence. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good," Billie replies, pushing down the negative feelings welling up inside her. He looks positively radiant. The token bags under his eyes and scowl he adorned since the beginning of the tour have slowly been replaced with a sort of youthful glow. He looks healthy and happy. How could she ever believe he was still using? "You got up early," she adds.

"Yeah," he nods, "I figured I should let you all sleep in a little longer." He motions towards the beds, and it's clear that Jude and Ambrose are still fast asleep.

"Surprised you got any sleep," she points out, "That twin barely fits the both of us."

"I like having you close," he assures, fingertips toying with the strings once more. "I also like seeing you in my shirt."

Billie can feel her cheeks flush, fingertips pulling at the hem of his tee draping over her petite frame. She realizes she's not wearing much of anything underneath, which causes Ezra's devilish grin to widen. "Can I borrow some sweats?"

"Top drawer," he directs, and she turns towards the back of the bus before sifting through the built-in closet space. Billie finally pulls out a pair of sweats before Ezra adds, "I want to take you somewhere when we reach San Francisco."

"Where did you want to go?" Billie questions before heading back towards the front of the bus and moving to take a seat next to him on the couch.

"Somewhere quiet," he replies, "It's going to be the last stop in the tour where we really get any opportunity to slip away. I just want it to be you and me for a little."

"I love that idea, but you know we're going to have plenty of alone time after the tour," Billie reminds with a playful grin.

Ezra looks at her for a moment too long, an off-key twang emitting from the guitar before he readjusts his fingers. "I can't be greedy about alone time with my girl?" He questions.

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