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She tried to push Ezra out of her mind all night while out with the group, but somehow he wormed his way back into her thoughts

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She tried to push Ezra out of her mind all night while out with the group, but somehow he wormed his way back into her thoughts. It occurred so frequently that she couldn't enjoy her evening at the club and ended up calling it an early night after declining Monte's invitation to go back to his bus.

All she could think about was the way Ezra was looking at her while they were in her bed only for him to ruin everything with that stupid question.

She knows she shouldn't give a damn what Ezra Moore thinks and feels, but part of her wants to understand the game they'd been playing for quite a few months now. He had already won by getting in her pants and proving he was a far better lover than anyone she'd been with, but what more did he want? 

Their chemistry was unmatched, creating a certain spark she simply couldn't replicate with anyone else. Frankly, Billie hadn't come that quickly with anyone including herself, and Ezra had done it three times now without any struggle. It was as if he knew her body better than she knew it herself.

Though she was adamant about guarding her heart and keeping their relationship purely sexual, part of her wonders if there was something more beyond the game they were playing. He asked her things about those pictures that no one else had asked before, and he was looking at her so softly.

What kind of meaningless sex ended in missionary? She half expected him to bend her over the bed or at least exhibit some sort of lust induced roughness, since all they ever seemed to do is get under each other's skins. And yet, every touch was tender. He had even cared enough to ask if he was hurting her.

Her eyes practically glaze over as she relives those moments while staring out the window of their traveling bus. Her core is in knots as her mind recreates the feeling of his calloused hands pressing into her hips, or the way his teeth grazed her flesh as she rode him. She nearly aches once reminded by his tongue diligently working against her.

"What are you daydreaming about?" Sloane nudges, pulling Billie back to reality. The blonde moves to wipe at the corners of her mouth, cheeks turning a deep shade of red.

"Nothing," she quickly replies, "The bus rides make me drowsy."

"I can see that," Sloane teases, "You're practically drooling. Part of me doesn't want to ruin your fantasy land, but I have to show you these pictures."

Billie furrows her brows slightly, stomach dropping at the sight of Ezra walking through the streets of New York. She moves to take the phone from Sloane's hand to get a better view. "What are these about?" The femme questions, attempting not to appear too flustered.

"Well, TMZ says it's some bender or whatever, but he showed up for the concert just fine," Sloane explains in a certain tone that makes Billie's stomach knot even further. It's the kind of tone that her bassist gets whenever she's awfully curious.

"Sounds like they had a slow day and needed to make some news," she shrugs dismissively, handing the phone back to Sloane.

"Yeah, but did you notice the dry cleaning shop in the back?" Sloane presses, pointing at her screen, "That's the one, like, right by our apartment. Who the hell does he know over there?"

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