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By the time the girls completed their meeting, they had to immediately rush back to the venue to start prepping for their show

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By the time the girls completed their meeting, they had to immediately rush back to the venue to start prepping for their show. Through sound checks and makeup, Billie still hadn't heard anything from Ezra. Part of her felt it was strange that he didn't find the need to reply, while the other part was hellbent on believing that this was just how he acted once he got bored with the women he was pursuing. Perhaps she hadn't captivated his interest enough.

As the girls make their way into the green room before their set, Billie is even more surprised that the male is still nowhere to be found. Although they had only been around each other for a few months, it felt out of character for Ezra to avoid a chance at a few drinks before a show. Part of her begins to worry that he's outright avoiding her or worse.

As she peers around the room, Billie's line of vision lands right on Monte. He's already approaching her with the kind of smile that makes her melt. "You look beautiful," he greets before saying hello to the rest of the girls.

"Thank you," Billie hums before offering him a drink. The male shakes his head, hand shaking the camera resting against his chest thanks to the strap around his neck.

"Sorry, gotta keep my wits about me," he offers with a chuckle as Ambrose makes his way over to greet the group.

"Don't tell me you're gonna make up another excuse as to why you can't come out with us tonight," Ambrose teases with a grin before offering a playful pat on the photographer's back.

"Depends on what kind of trouble you're getting into tonight," he replies with a shrug before motioning to Billie, "and what she wants to do."

"Well, obviously I want you to come," Billie replies honestly before raising her brow at the drummer, "But that would mean I'd actually know what we're doing."

"Sky and I have a friend who lives in this huge penthouse down in SoHo," Ambrose explains, "He's this big fashion designer that does a lot of avant-garde shit, but he wants to celebrate us being in town."

"Shit," Daria remarks, "That sounds cool. We're definitely in." All the girls nod in agreement. Actually, the idea of a party packed with mutual friends would make for a great opportunity to poke around and see who is interested in their proposition of starting a record label.

"There'll be a lot of creatives there, which I'm sure your nerdy ass will use as an opportunity to network," Ambrose teases Monte before waving at Sky from across the room and excusing himself to greet her.

"You should come." Billie smiles up at Monte, the idea of them spending the evening together causing her heartbeat to quicken. It's amazing how one glance back at her is enough to turn her into a giggling schoolgirl.

"I wouldn't mind going," he replies with a grin. A wave from one of the roadies waiting by the door causes his attention to shift. "Sorry, I gotta go set up. See you out there."

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