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Billie could still hear her heartbeat in her ears, cheeks already burning as they made their way to the elevator

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Billie could still hear her heartbeat in her ears, cheeks already burning as they made their way to the elevator. She had always been forward, even as a child, but this was a completely new level for her. Never in her life had she let someone get so immensely under her skin.

"I can't believe that just happened," Callie states to no one in particular as they ride the elevator down the numerous floors. Her soft words carry no scolding, just complete shock. It's clear, however, that Monica is livid with her nails tapping furiously against her cellphone.

Before long, Sloane is busting out a laugh that everyone begins to join in on. "He had it coming," the bassist snickers, arm moving to wrap around Billie's shoulders, "I don't think he'll be calling us or anyone else broads for the rest of his life."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Billie corrects with a reluctant smile. She's still attempting to slow her heart rate and cool off. "He seems to think very highly of himself."

"Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black," Monica retorts, finally looking up from her phone to shoot Billie daggers. "I said no nonsense, and you couldn't help yourself. One word from Ezra Moore, and this tour ends for us."

"You can't seriously believe that prick has any actual veto power?" Daria questions, "He couldn't even get out of being babysat. Not to mention, his brain is practically pickled from all that liquor."

Her final comments garners another spew of laughter from the girls until Monica clears her throat in such a way that silence follows. "He may be a drunk, but he's smart enough to know his importance. This tour doesn't happen without him, and he might leverage that to get rid of girlcrush." Monica now focuses her attention solely on Billie, "You should remember that the next time you care to comment."

Billie can feel her stomach drop at the notion that she could have ruined their one shot at stardom all over some petty spat with Ezra. She can't believe how foolish and hot-headed she'd let herself get over some nobody.

Well, she guesses that's not true. Ezra Moore is a somebody to practically everyone on this planet, but he meant less than nothing to her.

"I'm sorry," Billie finally replies, lowering her head in shame, "I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me. He thought I was the coffee girl when he came in, and it bruised my stupid ego. And when he started complaining about an opportunity we've been dreaming of, it just ... I don't know, it just got to me." She pauses for a moment, as if to mentally distance herself from the emotions clouding her mind. "I don't want to ruin this for us. I'll keep out of his way."

The girls offer a sympathetic squeeze at Billie's hands and shoulders. "Don't worry," Callie assures, "He's not getting rid of us just yet. And who knows, maybe he'll change for the better with all of us staying here. You may even become friends."

Billie offers a smile towards the guitarist, a soft nod following. "Yeah, who knows. Maybe."

Still, the words taste bitter in her mouth. Never had a person she looked up to disappointed her this deeply.

Though she desperately doesn't want to put that much weight into one artist's opinion, part of her wishes Ezra Moore had been different.


The girls are able to move into their suite almost immediately, seeing as they were already packed to stay for an extended period in Los Angeles to prepare for the tour. From what the girls had gathered, an experience like this was not common for opening acts. In fact, rarely did bands even meet the headliners.

Though Billie saw Ezra's shitty attitude as a curse, it seemed as if they were all benefiting from it as of late. That notion is practically confirmed when they reach the private level that only a keycard gives access to from the elevators of the record label's high rise. There, the hall is rather short. In fact, it's only has enough room for a joint front entrance to the two separate suites that the bands will be staying in. They sit on opposite sides of the rectangular space, doors facing each other.

Monica had explained that Grand Motel wouldn't be moving in for another few days while they loaded up their luggage into one of black SUV's the record label seemed to always send. So, the girls don't bother quieting their excited squeals as one of the attendants opens their suite.

It's more glamorous than any of them could've imagined. The main room is spacious, containing a swanky living room, bar, and kitchen. The color palette is muted with gray walls, white cabinets and dark hardwood floors. They quickly move to the two master bedrooms. Each is equipped with two plush beds and separate bathrooms adorned in marble. Hell, there's even a large clawfoot tub and a walk in shower in each. Although they have to share the two rooms, never have the girls experienced such luxury.

Billie drops her bags on the hardwood floors and moves to flop onto the nearest bed. "I call this one!" She yells with a giddy squeal. Sloane barrels in after her, following suit on the adjoining bed. "Yeah! The roomies call dibs on this one!"

"Who cares?" Daria calls from the other bedroom, "This one has a walk-in closet!"

Billie and Sloane look at each other momentarily before rushing into the other bedroom. "You're kidding?" Billie replies with an open mouth as Callie moves to show the closet adorned with a velvet couch and a few dozen shelves for clothes, shoes, and accessories.

There is a door at the opposite side of the closet that Sloane moves to open. "Looks like it's our walk-in closet," she corrects with a grin, head cocking towards the view of Billie and her beds from the other side.

"Oh, girls," Monica coos, triumphant smile plastered to her usual neutral features. Everyone quickly moves to meet her in the living room. Never has Billie seen the woman so clearly satisfied.

"Jeff just sent me the info for your amenities. You can use that phone in the kitchen to order whatever you'd like for groceries and pre-prepared food, and your keycards get you access into the pool and the recording studio. You begin practice starting next Monday. Please stay out of trouble in the meantime."

"This is fuckin' insane," Daria muses, eyes still fixed on the lavishness of the interior design. "How did we get so lucky?"

"I guess you do have something to thank Ezra for," their agent directs pointedly at Billie.

"I guess we do," Billie murmurs, still in awe of the place and their luck. Perhaps she had been too harsh on the singer. 'You don't know a damn thing about me' rings in the back of her mind.

After some mental gymnastics, she decides that he isn't worth all the trouble of second chances and bad first impressions. Ezra Moore would be a part of her life, whether she wanted him to be or not. There's no use fighting the inevitable.

Instead of dreading their connection, she turns towards her bandmates with a toothy grin. "Let's go check out the pool!" 

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