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She can't explain the feeling that settles in the pit of her stomach as she walks off stage, but Billie has been entirely distracted by the thought of a particular pair of eyes watching from the wing

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She can't explain the feeling that settles in the pit of her stomach as she walks off stage, but Billie has been entirely distracted by the thought of a particular pair of eyes watching from the wing. Even though she hates to admit it, she is still mentally in her dressing room with Ezra. It's like she can't escape the feeling of his hands or his mouth. Every inch of skin he touched is still on fire.

As she enters backstage, Billie is surprised to see that the male is standing there waiting for her. She half expected him to continue pretending like she doesn't exist, like he didn't make her shake with pleasure less than an hour ago. But, by the look on his face, he's still very pleased with himself and is clearly in the mood to gloat some more about it. Something about his demeanor is attractive and infuriating to the femme all at once.

This isn't supposed to happen. She's supposed to regret letting it get this far or feel repulsed. Yet, Billie can't will herself to feel anything but attraction towards the male. Even so, Ezra Moore is the physical embodiment of a red flag. She knows how he treats the girls he sleeps with, knows that one wrong move and girlcrush will pay for her poor choices.

More importantly, Billie knows that things will not end well for her if she continues to let her lust override her reason.

But the way he's looking at her right now somehow makes it all worth it. Hell, he's not even trying to hide the fact that all of his attention is focused on her, and she begins to wonder if it'll ever flicker to someone else again. Wishful thinking. "Well done," he compliments, "You sounded perfect." A knowing grin begins to tug at his features as her cheeks continue to flush.

Her lips part to offer a cheeky response, but the vision of Jude approaching with waters in hand causes a feigned scowl to form instead. "If I wanted pointers," she dismisses as his guitarist comes within ear shot, "I'd ask."

That, of course, doesn't wipe the smug grin off Ezra's features. He knows it's all a ruse to keep Jude in the dark. Though, she's not worried that his expression will sound off any alarms to his bandmate. Ezra is always a cocky bastard, anyways. "He's just jealous of your range," Jude replies for the singer with a teasing tone before offering a bottle of water to Callie.

"Thank you," Callie breathes. The brunette is looking up at Jude with such sweetness that it nearly gives Billie a toothache. God, how have the two not figured out that the other is interested?

However, the feeling doesn't last for long when Ezra replies, "I can't say I'm surprised by what can come out of that mouth."

Now, the femme can't get rid of the sourness on her tongue. "Can't say I'm surprised by what goes into yours," she retorts. His eyebrows raise slightly at the insinuation, to which she immediately clarifies, "You smell like a minibar. Try not to buy out the whole top shelf tonight."

It becomes clear that every expression and word out of his mouth will be one grand reminder that he made her come tonight, and anything she says won't take away his pride.

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