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During the show in San Francisco, Ezra had once again called Billie out on stage

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During the show in San Francisco, Ezra had once again called Billie out on stage. Though she had figured it was a one off the first time, he made it more than apparent that she would join him every night until the end of the tour. When she shared that stage with him, the way he sang to her and his fans sparked something in her chest she couldn't quite place. It was as if he was finally connecting with the world, and the world was finally seeing him for who he truly was. 

When their show ended and the buses headed down to Las Vegas, Billie and Ezra spent a majority of their night talking. Each new day brought them one step closer to the tour ending and their future together starting. He explained his plans of inviting his mother to their final show in Los Angeles, and how he wanted her to meet Billie. Part of her wondered how they had managed to end up in this stage of their relationship with such a rough start. Now, she couldn't imagine her life without Ezra. Billie couldn't imagine sharing a stage with anyone else.

She couldn't help but think of the note that Evelyn had left along with the confirmation of her investment in The Collective. Every dream she had imagined was coming true. They would be playing their own set in a major festival before the tour was over, and the one person she thought would get in her way would be right by her side.

When the two finally dozed off and awoke at the venue, Billie was whisked away by Monica to begin preparing for their late afternoon set. Such a last minute addition to the festival without a soundcheck made girlcrush nearly unreachable for a majority of the morning. Before she had left his bus, Ezra promised he'd be in the wings watching her performance. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he assured with a smile.

Though she hadn't heard from him since that morning or right before going out on stage, Billie was far too wrapped up in the adrenaline of performing for such a large crowd to notice. As she takes the stage with the girls, the roaring crowd sets her soul on fire.

The music begins, and the cheers grow louder. She looks out to the sea of people before pressing her eyes shut and beginning to sing. The music overtakes her like it had done so many times before. It carries her through a majority of her set until she finally looks toward the empty wing.

Her mind doesn't even register that he's not there. Ezra was likely busy preparing for his own set later in the evening or perhaps they were doing an interview. Grand Motel had been bombarded by multiple media outlets ever since Billie and him had gone public. It's funny how they had somehow both put their bands on the map.

As their set ends, the girls say goodnight to the crowd and make their way off stage. She can't help the warmth and joy radiating from her soul. Her eyes frantically search for Ezra as they make their way behind the stage and into an exclusive area for artists. The girls are far too preoccupied with their high from performing to notice that no member of Grand Motel had shown up to watch their performance or at least congratulate them afterwards.

"Has anyone seen the boys?" Billie questions while a crew member hands them bottles of water.

"No," Callie remarks with furrowed brows, "That's weird. Jude said everyone was going to be watching our set."

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