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"What did you think was going to happen, Ezra?" Jeff questions through a constrained jaw before his hand slams on the table between them

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"What did you think was going to happen, Ezra?" Jeff questions through a constrained jaw before his hand slams on the table between them. "Answer me."

Shit. Shit. Shit.

It had not even been twenty four hours since their date, and the pictures of Billie and Ezra were splattered across every news outlet and tabloid. Though paparazzi weren't present in Phoenix, apparently Grand Motel's adoring fans with phones were. Twitter even had their names trending within the first hour of the pictures releasing.

He stares blankly ahead, unwilling to show his distress to his manager quite yet. It wouldn't be for the reasons Jeff wanted him to be upset, anyways. Ezra could care less about his image anymore. There were only two things on his mind now: Madison and Billie. These pictures could be the tipping point for his ex, and disastrous for Billie's career.

"I didn't think anyone was going to see us," he admits, "We were just touring the city. Am I not allowed to go out with a friend?"

"Cut the bullshit," he snaps, "There's no way to do damage control on this. The pictures are out and every tabloid has been sitting on this story since the beginning of the tour. Do you understand what this will cost us?"

"Does she know?" He breathes out, fingertips itching for a cigarette. He needed a fucking break, needed a moment to breathe or else he'd go insane.

"Forget Billie for one goddamn minute and think about yourself. Better yet, think about Grand Motel," he pleads with a stern tone, "You promised Faye. You promised, Ezra, that you'd stay away from her. It was so goddamn easy, and you couldn't do it."

"So, I can't have friends," Ezra scoffs, "This is so fuckin' rich coming from you, you know that? You want me to get better and live a normal life, and I go get fucking ice cream. Ice cream with someone I work with, and you're pissed off."

"You want to get ice cream, Ezra? Why don't you call up one of your bandmates or any other human being with a penis instead, huh? Why not try to patch up some of the bridges you've burned instead of trying to get with yet another girl?"

"It's not like that," he insists, but Jeff is quick to interject.

"Save it," he warns, "I've been nothing but patient with you and her. I let you fuck all over every goddamn venue we stopped at because you were being smart about it. But the minute you decided to put that fucking coat over her head, you crossed a line."

"You want me to play my best for this tour?" Ezra spits, "Then you're gonna clean up this mess and continue being patient because she's the only goddamn reason I'm up on that stage every night. If anything, and I mean anything, gets between that, you can forget me ever getting on another one again."

"The only person that got in the way of your little romance is your own self," he responds, "You couldn't wait, and you got greedy. And now, everyone in this whole goddamn universe thinks we gave girlcrush the opening act because she spread her legs for you."

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