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Everyone is packed into the green room before girlcrush goes on stage, and Ezra is attempting to remain unphased by the way Billie is attached to Monte

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Everyone is packed into the green room before girlcrush goes on stage, and Ezra is attempting to remain unphased by the way Billie is attached to Monte. At first, he thought it was some kind of game to make him jealous, but now he knows the hard truth that she's actually interested in the guy.

The way she looks at him with such softness is not something he's ever experienced with her. In fact, Billie only ever looked at him with anger or lust. Their whole relationship feels so different from the one Monte has with her, and he's envious of it.

He feels foolish for even caring, knowing that her lack of an answer that night is proof enough that she's no longer interested. Yet, her attention lapses every so often in search of Ezra's eyes. At first, it's not very noticeable. The singer is good at acting like he doesn't give a shit, which puts her off for a few minutes before seeking out his attention once more.

Maybe if he isn't so deeply seated in rage and jealousy, he'd offer some visual affirmation that he notices her. Instead, all he does is sulk and drink in his own corner of the room. No one bothers him with the scowl painted on his features, which he's thankful for.

Monte moves to place his hand on the small of her back, and Ezra nearly crushes the glass in his hand. He has no right being this possessive over her, but Billie played his game so well that he can't help but feel like it might not be over quite yet. She says something to the photographer, squeezing his hand before moving to slip out the door.

He knows he shouldn't follow her or try to address anything that occurred two nights ago, but it's eating him alive. Ezra needs to know what happened and why some other guy is standing in his place. Without drawing much attention, the male slips out of the room and catches a glimpse of the blonde heading into her dressing room.

He pulls open the door, not even bothering to knock. Truthfully, Ezra doesn't want anyone to know what he's doing, especially Jude. More importantly, if this ends in another rejection, it's best if it's done in privacy.

She nearly gasps at the sight of him, eyes widening as she looks at his reflection from the vanity she's peering into on the opposite side of the room.

"What are you doing here?" She questions with an uncertain tone before turning around to look at him face to face.

"You know what I'm doing here."

"No, I really don't. Your dressing room is two doors over. Try mixing in a water before the show. I don't want you this confused on stage."

"Shouldn't I be the one who's pissed off here?" He replies with a scoff.

"Oh, please enlighten me on what you could possibly be upset about."

"You're going to make me say it, as if you don't know." Now, he's growing impatient with their interaction.

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