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He's not thinking straight

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He's not thinking straight. Hell, he hasn't thought coherently since the minute he walked into that room and saw Billie for the first time. The second those green, fiery eyes glared up at him, Ezra was doomed. Right then and there, he should've known that Billie Fields would be the death of him.

Though their relationship was founded upon lust and anger, he can feel an unanticipated change in their interactions. Yet, Ezra still can't seem to place her or his own emotions when it comes to their relationship. All he knows is that he likes being around her more than he anticipated, and maybe she likes it too.

He can't even say that it's just the sex he enjoys either. Though that's clearly a bonus, seeing that smile and hearing her laugh is far more rewarding. That thought nearly sends him out of orbit. No one had made him feel like this since Madison, and now he couldn't get enough of the high Billie produced. It's like he's addicted to those eyes, and those lips, and the way she smells, and the way she feels. Her presence is utterly intoxicating.

So, he doesn't hesitate when she asks him to lock the door. In fact, he nearly trips over his own feet in an attempt to get there. The quicker he secures their privacy, the sooner he gets to hear those sounds of pleasure.

Truthfully, Ezra didn't care about their little wager or the recording. He's far more concerned with the notion that she's as desperate to please him as he's been to please her since the beginning. His fingers grip at the back of the collar of his tee before he pulls it over his head as he makes his way to the soundboard.

"You sure this is okay?" He questions, glancing over at the femme who's already stepping out of her dress. His eyes trail over the lace adorning her physique, and it nearly makes him weak.

"Sounds like you're afraid to lose," she challenges, and Ezra can't help the devilish grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"I win either way," he reminds before beginning the audio recording hooked up to his laptop.

"Someone's a little cocky," she hums in a sensual tone.

"I am," he assures with an aloof shrug as he kicks off his shoes and heads in her direction, "I'll even let you have the first move."

"Wow," she feigns a tone of appreciation, "I'm honored."

Still, she leans forward, dainty fingers gripping at his belt buckle to pull him closer towards her. She's quick to pull off the belt, hands working at pulling down his jeans and leaving him only in his boxers. "Sit down," she commands, fingertips pressing into his tattooed chest to direct him towards the velvet cushions.

"Yes, ma'am," he grins, taking a seat almost immediately. His mind is flooding with dopamine in apprehension of the pleasure he's about to feel. Nothing besides drugs brought him this close to ecstasy. His brows slightly furrow as she moves to reach in her bag. "What are you getting?"

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