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She can't help the rage building up inside her

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She can't help the rage building up inside her. Of all the things he could do to piss her off, this is by far the greatest. The worst part? He probably didn't even do it with her reaction in mind. The fact that any girl would fall at his feet is reminder enough that Billie's attention is a drop in his bucket.

She can't even say she feels jealous. No, she doesn't wish for a moment that she could trade places with that gorgeous brunette hanging all over him the second he returned to the party. Though she made a point to ignore his arrival, she kept minor tabs on him and his new toy for the rest of the night. Each moment she glanced in his direction, Billie could feel another knot twist in her stomach.

He made it crystal clear tonight that if she wouldn't give him what he wanted, someone else would. It doesn't exactly make her want to drop her panties or fulfill his wishes. But, instead, it makes her wonder what that exchange means to him. When it comes right down to it, Billie knows she's replaceable to him.

Clearly, she is way in over her head. She thought she could beat him at his own game, but Ezra has the upper hand. At first she liked playing, but now it's nearly consuming her. Maybe it's his inability to give a fuck or his all or nothing mentality, but it's clear the singer has no normal emotions when it comes to women.

Still, she can't place the anger ripping through her chest when he leaves with someone else. No amount of alcohol is washing away the taste of his cigarette or the feeling between her thighs. At least someone is getting laid tonight, though it's certainly not her. She attempts to tear her burning gaze from the back of his head as he moves to leave with the girl but is rather unsuccessful.

This is ridiculous. It's Ezra Moore she's thinking about. This is the same man who could ruin her opportunity at success and fame with one fuck up. The same infuriating singer whose ego took up the entire goddamn room.

The last thing Billie needs right now is a distraction. She's spent the whole night worrying about Ezra instead of networking with all of the talent and labels present. Their contract with their current label is ending, and she should be more focused on that than playing fucking footsie with someone who didn't give a damn about her.

In this moment, Billie decides she's done playing around. The beginning of this tour would be a clean slate. She would stop whatever this is between Ezra and her to better focus on girlcrush's career. Besides, when it's all said and done, Ezra will be a distant memory after this summer.

 Is she really going to waste this opportunity trying to one up someone who could barely remember her name?

With that thought, she downs the rest of her tequila soda and decides to call it a night. It's been nearly an hour since he's left, and the party is dwindling down anyways. Truthfully, she just needs to get the thought of Ezra sleeping with someone else out of her mind. The mental image is enough to make her sick, though she can't pinpoint why.

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