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Billie can't get out of that recording studio quick enough

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Billie can't get out of that recording studio quick enough. She can still feel her heart thumping rapidly against her chest, cheeks burning in a way she hasn't experienced in quite some time. No one made Billie Fields flustered. Well, no one except for Ezra Moore.

God, how could she have been stupid enough to fall right into his trap? Was it really worth knowing how the male smelled in trade of her dignity? Frankly, Billie wishes she hadn't taken those steps forward to catch a whiff. Then, she wouldn't have the aroma of cedarwood stuck in her nostrils. It wasn't even close to cigarettes or piss.

Her fingertips instinctively reach for the strand of hair that he brushed against, only to let out a groan when reminded of the cigarette nestled behind her ear. She moves to dislodge it from her tresses, bringing it closer to inspect it further. Her brows furrow at the sight of dried petals and cloves nestled amongst the tobacco. Did he roll his own cigarettes? The femme's mind momentarily wanders to his tongue wetting the rolling paper, and it warms her core.

At first instinct, she's nearly disgusted with herself. Could she really be attracted to that coke-loving, egomaniac? In her momentary crisis, Billie remembers a crucial detail to their interaction. Ezra loves getting under her skin and has been proving that fact time after time again. The taunting, the cigarette, their proximity, it was all some ruse to get her flustered.

Who the hell does he think he is to toy with her emotions like that? To get her all worked up for his own amusement?

She nearly lets out a frustrated huff, while almost crushing the cigarette in her palm. If he wanted to play dirty, so would she. 


As much as she wanted to prove the male wrong, Billie could not get Ezra out of her mind since their interaction that morning. Instead, she mentally formulated a way to get back at him while practicing with Sloane. When her mind had drawn a blank, it only infuriated her more. She had to beat him at his own game, but how?

By the time she had a practice session with Jude and Callie, Billie figured she could use the opportunity to dig up any information on the male. Besides, no real work actually got done at these sessions. Instead, she just babysat Jude and Callie while they flirted with each other without realizing or admitting it. Today, of course, is no different as the femme slumps into the couch while Jude helps her guitarist better position her fingers on a new set of chords they're learning.

"See?" Jude coaches, "It's much better if you place them here so that you can transition easier. It's a little trick Ezra taught me."

"Wow, you're right," Callie muses with a soft grin, sweet eyes looking up at him for a moment, before turning back to the guitar.

Though Billie tended to zone out during these sessions, the mention of Ezra's name nearly causes her to jump out of her seat. She tries to remain unbothered at the subject, body shifting slightly towards the two. "How long has Ezra played for?"

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