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She hadn't expected the idea to rent out a studio to go so well

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She hadn't expected the idea to rent out a studio to go so well. Truthfully, she hadn't expected their time together to not include sex, either. Yet, her and Ezra spent more than three hours together just chatting and playing music with the occasional kissing.

Suddenly, it felt as if they didn't even need their little game to get to know each other. In fact, they spent so much time talking, that Billie no longer wondered what a normal conversation between them would look like. Everything came naturally, even down to them playing the guitar together. It was as if they were complimenting each other in a new way.

She couldn't forget about that first kiss, either. It was as if he reached into the depths of her soul and pulled out one of her most secret desires. Billie had wanted him to kiss her just for the sake of kissing for quite some time now, and it was far better than she could've ever imagined.

As she got to know him more deeply, Billie began to wonder if Ezra Moore was capable of changing. Perhaps he was already on his way to getting better. She wanted that for him more than anything. The way he talked about music with such excitement again sparked hope inside her that maybe she was helping him change.

Though it was foolish and maybe a bit too soon, she wondered if he could change enough to want her for more than sex. Maybe then they could be more to each other. Most importantly, maybe she could love him. The notion is strange and unsettling, but she holds onto it as she makes her way back to the venue.

The feeling, however, does not last long once she sees a familiar face waiting outside of her bus by a pair of benches.

"Monte," she greets, "I'm sorry I was meaning to text you back, but we've just been so busy."

"Yeah, I figured," he replies, "Callie mentioned you'd be back around this time, so I thought I'd wait around for you."

"You didn't have to do that," she assures, fingertips moving to fix any potential smudging of her lipstick that she didn't catch after leaving Bon Temps. Ezra had kissed her before she left, which ended up being quite a long goodbye.

"I just needed to talk to you," he admits before motioning for her to sit by him on the bench. She fidgets with the hem of her dress before sitting at a comfortable distance so she can angle her body towards him.

"I'm assuming this is about the other night," she mumbles, heart beating rapidly against her chest. It was never her intention to hurt Monte, as she hadn't expected to become so enthralled with Ezra, but now it feels as if everything is catching up with her.

"Uh, yeah," he admits before rubbing at the back of his neck, "I know things have been platonic between us for a while, and I'm cool with that ... but I guess it made me wonder why you stopped wanting to see me."

"I told you when we went out the first time that I wasn't ready for a relationship, and I just don't have the time for it right now. It has nothing to do with you. I mean, you're actually perfect."

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