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Billie's not sure where she's gone wrong tonight to end up here

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Billie's not sure where she's gone wrong tonight to end up here. After deciding she wanted nothing to do with Ezra Moore, somehow she's currently gripping onto his hand as he leads them to the dance floor.

The club is packed, bodies moving together in such a way that provides very little room for personal space. She knows she signed up for this sort of proximity the minute he obliged to her request.

Shit, she should've asked him to get right down on his knees in front of everyone. But, of course, Ezra wouldn't do something like that and she knew it when she asked for him to say please instead. It's almost as if she was purposefully making it easy for him, almost as if she was setting herself up for the opportunity to finally touch him.

Perhaps it was all the alcohol she consumed within the evening or the molly that she and Daria took halfway through the night, but Billie is willingly breaking all her rules. She desperately wants to blame it on her intoxication, but she knows she has sobered up greatly enough to make clear and deliberate choices.

Ezra didn't need to know that, though. If this blew up in her face, she could always bank on the excuse that they were both extremely intoxicated.

But it's just one dance. That's it. How terrible could that be? Perhaps, by the time it's over, she could get over her ridiculous infatuation with him.

As they find space in the crowd, the femme feels comforted knowing that no one will likely see them together. As their bodies begin to sway to the beat, Ezra is careful to keep his hands to himself though his eyes wander shamelessly over her figure.

She's not entirely sure what's come over her, but Billie doesn't want Ezra Moore to think she's inexperienced or even the slightest bit intimidated by his presence. Her hands move to rest on his chest, body purposefully remaining mere inches from his as she tilts her lips towards his ear.

"You're not gonna get all shy on me now, are you? Your song is almost up," she teases, doing and saying everything but begging for him to make his move.

It's almost immediate the way his hands find her hips as he tugs her towards him. "I've been waiting for you to dance on me all night," he assures, "So, turn around."

Under any other circumstance, Billie wouldn't follow orders. She'd laugh right in his face or provide a snarky comment. But, this time, she does just as she's told.

He's quick to pull her ass into himself, causing her to brush against him as she sways to the music. For the first few seconds, the two are just getting used to each other's presence. Though Billie attempts to stay focused on the beat, his hands roaming over her hips and across her stomach creates a distraction she just can't ignore any longer.

It's uncertain when the energy between them shifts, but it's clear the two are far less interested in dancing as the song progresses. His nose nestles into the crook of her neck, breath ragged as she grinds against him. She can feel him harden against her, hands moving to ghost over his own as he grips at her hips.

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