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"Where are you taking me?" Ezra questions as the SUV equipped with a few security guards and tinted windows drives through the streets of the city

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"Where are you taking me?" Ezra questions as the SUV equipped with a few security guards and tinted windows drives through the streets of the city.

"That wouldn't make for a very good surprise, now would it?" Billie teases with a devilish grin. She allows herself to gaze over his profile as he scans the view from the backseat window. He almost seems childlike in the way he impatiently shakes his leg in anticipation of arriving at their destination.

It was quite easy slipping away from the group. The boys barely noticed Ezra's departure, which he assured her of when they met at the car a few blocks away from the venue. She, on the other hand, had to make some elaborate excuse to the girls in order to slip away without any raised brows. Yet, no one ultimately seemed bothered by their absence.

Part of her wonders why she's going through all this trouble for some dick, when she could pursue it so openly with Monte.

Perhaps it's the thrill of getting caught or sneaking around. Or, more truthfully, perhaps it's the fact that she's never been able to enjoy herself that much during sex. Ezra had ignited something inside her she just couldn't contain, and she needs to experience that fire again before she has the sense to stop herself.

"We're here," she announces, heart pounding in her chest at the thought of being alone with him again.

As the car stops in front of a shabby apartment building positioned on top of a modest Italian deli, Ezra turns to her with a puzzled look. "You're taking me to a deli?" He questions before moving to get out of the car.

"No Italian today, sorry." Billie replies with a laugh, head shaking as she motions towards the side door adjacent to the shop. She punches in a code, which causes it to automatically unlock.

They begin to make their ascent up the stairs, and she's careful not to let on that this is all too embarrassing for her. Hell, Billie is beginning to wonder if it's even a good idea to be bringing him here, but the thought of having to hook up in some grimy bathroom or dressing room is enough to keep her pushing forward.

Finally, they arrive at her front door. She pushes a key into the slot, turning the handle once it unlocks. "Welcome to my apartment," she finally clarifies, though it's abundantly clear that's where she's been taking him since they entered the building.

He doesn't say much in return as he slips past her and into the flat. Admittedly, it's small. There's a tiny kitchen and living room with one bathroom and two bedrooms. There was never enough space for her and Sloane, but somehow it seems even tinier now. Part of her feels embarrassed when comparing it to the extravagance of the suites they had stayed in before the tour.

"It's nice," he compliments before kicking off his shoes.

Billie can't help but snort at his comment as she follows suit and locks the door behind her. "No, it's not," she assures, "but the rent is cheap, and the family that owns the deli downstairs lets us eat free on Sundays."

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