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Ezra had not known love like this before he met Billie, not even with his own parents

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Ezra had not known love like this before he met Billie, not even with his own parents. No, this kind of love is different than anything he has ever felt. It's similar to a feeling he's only been able to attain once before — a euphoric high he's been chasing since his teens. Except this love contains a depth no intoxication can reach. It's warm and bright, and Ezra can feel himself filled with golden light and emerald pools.

One glimpse of those green eyes and he's practically suffocated by bliss. Finally, for the first time in a decade, the darkness inside him ebbs. It's as if Billie has left no room for anything else in his soul but her.

He relishes in his new high as he watches her perform from the wing of the stage. She's gripping the mic, eyes closed and lips parted, as she lets the melody flow through her. Ezra attempts to stifle a laugh, heart thudding at the realization that seeing her sing like this all those months before had made him fall in love with her before he even knew it.

"What're you laughing at?" Jude grins while his elbow moves to playfully nudge him. It's their first performance after the break, and Ezra feels as if the two of them will be sharing this wing for the rest of the tour and perhaps the rest of their lives.

"Nothing," Ezra shakes his head before drawing in a breath, "Just can't believe this is my life, and that's my girl out there. I don't know how I got so damn lucky."

"You've never said that before," Jude points out.

"Said what?"

"That you were lucky or grateful for all this," he replies softly.

"I haven't felt very lucky in a long time," Ezra states with much difficulty, "but she's made me realize that I have a lot to be grateful for ... including you."

"I'm just glad you're happy," Jude admits, eyes still fixed on the brunette playing the guitar and occasionally singing into a mic. She flickers her attention over to the wing every so often to offer him a sweet smile.

"I have a chance to be happy because of you," Ezra reminds before swallowing past the lump in his throat as their eyes meet, "and I can't thank you enough for saving me that night."

"You saved me a long time ago," Jude replies, "I was just returning the favor."

"I'm sorry," Ezra rasps, "for all of it."

"I owe you an apology, too."

"For what?" He snorts.

"For letting my anger consume everything. I just wanted my brother back, and all I did was push you away," Jude laments.

Ezra blinks for a moment, stomach knotting at the term of endearment he hadn't been called in years. When the two were younger and Jude spent more time at Ezra's shitty apartment than he did at his own house, they had always joked about being long lost brothers. Being an only child, Ezra wore that title with pride before squandering it.

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