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He knows better than to get his hopes up, especially when it comes to relationships

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He knows better than to get his hopes up, especially when it comes to relationships. He knows better than to fall for someone so clearly disinterested in him, but the way Billie had asked for him to come tonight felt like a step in the right direction.

Billie had taken it upon herself to ask him to join the group. Though he had much bigger worries, namely the countless meetings he had with Faye and Jeff to clean up his image and convince Madison's team not to release the song, he dropped everything for her without any questions asked.

Truthfully, he never expected anything when it came to Billie simply because they were always in such a murky place. They had seen each other so frequently since Pittsburgh that Ezra knows he shouldn't demand more of her attention. Yet, when she asked for him to come, he inevitably became greedy. He wanted more of her and her time. And like some lovesick puppy, Ezra was willing to take the scraps of her evening. Whenever she'd call, he'd come running.

How fucking pathetic.

Ezra was never a man of foresight. He didn't comprehend at the time she had asked him to join the group that it implied Monte was coming too. At first, he thought his jealousy wouldn't get the better of him. It was physically impossible for her to have been with the photographer as many times as he'd been inside her. And yet, Ezra couldn't help but wonder who the man was to her and why he had the privilege of spending all night by her side while he watched at the table.

Billie hadn't looked at him once this evening. All of her attention remained fixed on Monte, though she made no clear moves to outwardly touch him. Come to think of it, they hadn't touched once this evening. Still, Ezra found himself wishing that he could trade places with him.

It was absolutely sickening the way Monte would say anything, and she'd laugh. Though the club was packed and he could barely hear the bottle service girls crowding around him, Ezra could swear he heard that laughter from across the room. He attempted to push her out of his mind for his sanity's sake, but Billie kept slipping back in. Every thought was saturated with her and those green eyes.

As the evening progressed, Ezra only continued to stew in his own bitterness and jealousy. He wouldn't have come if it meant watching her talk and dance with Monte. Not even a few pills and pulls from a bottle could satiate the storm brewing within him. Clearly, Billie was having a good time. Hell, she had been drinking all night and even disappeared with Daria into the back room for a period of time taking god knows what. She had forgotten about Ezra, and he had been foolish to think she'd find her way to him at any point tonight.

And as Billie became more intoxicated, she inevitably became more touchy. Now, she was hanging all over Monte, and the male seemed to enjoy the newfound attention. Truthfully, he remained respectful with her. His hands rested at his sides, and only reached for her when she needed steadying. Yet, Ezra could only imagine where tonight was headed.

She had made her choice, and Ezra wasn't her pick. Why would he be? They only fucked in bathrooms, closets, studios, or any other place that could conceal them from the outside world. Why would she want more with someone like him when she had Monte? She spent all night with the photographer practically captivated by every little thing he said and did, and maybe she wanted Ezra to come so he'd see it.

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