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The flash of cameras and hollers from nearly a dozen reporters creates a certain buzz in the air that Billie cannot describe

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The flash of cameras and hollers from nearly a dozen reporters creates a certain buzz in the air that Billie cannot describe. Since the tour ended nearly a year and a half ago, girlcrush had taken the world by storm. The Collective had gained enough traction to start signing new artists and gain more investors, and girlcrush was able to release their first album that contained a few chart topping singles.

Since their newly acclaimed fame, environments such as these were familiar to the girls. However, walking a red carpet and attending prestigious events still felt foreign to Billie. Though Monica assured them that their prior engagements were adequate preparation for the Grammy Awards, actually being there as nominees was an entirely different ball game.

The girls slowly make their way down the red carpet while Monica guides them to certain reporters for pre-ceremony interviews. For the most part, the questions are run of the mill for first time nominees. It's the kind of questions that Billie and the girls had prepared for with their publicity team prior to tonight and ranged from rating their levels of excitement, talking about girlcrush's album, and promoting The Collective.

"Who are you wearing?" An entertainment reporter flags down the girls, and they make their way over to the edge of the carpet.

"Skylar Aoki," Daria proudly replies, happy to rep their stylist, designer,  and friend with every chance she got.

"So, you've kept working with her since the tour?" The reporter questions.

"Yeah," Sloane replies, "She's a great designer and stylist. Sky gets the kind of look we're going for, and we're happy to continue working with her."

"Have you seen Grand Motel since the end of your tour together?" This time, the reporter is looking right at Billie. Though their split became more than apparent when Ezra got out of rehab and they were not seen together after, media outlets didn't really blow the story out of proportion. It was in the news cycle for less than a week before Billie and Ezra were forgotten by the masses.

For that reason, the question catches her somewhat off guard. Nobody had asked her about Grand Motel or Ezra in their interviews ever before. Whether or not Monica made a point to filter out those questions before their press releases remained up for debate.

Still, Billie does not falter and shakes her head before responding."No, we haven't. We keep in touch, though."

However, the last part isn't all that true. The girls had kept distant ties with the band after things ended so abruptly. Billie expected Callie to continue seeing Jude after the tour, but weeks and months passed without any sign of a continued connection. In fact, Callie had not mentioned him once since that summer, and none of the girls asked. Their only connection to Grand Motel was with Skylar now, who flew out to New York every so often to dress them for events. Even then, everyone knew better than to bring up the tour or the boys.

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