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"Have you lost your goddamn mind?" Monica screeches, and it feels like the pitch of her voice is going to burst Billie's ear drums

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"Have you lost your goddamn mind?" Monica screeches, and it feels like the pitch of her voice is going to burst Billie's ear drums. She hadn't even been awake for an hour before her agent came rolling in the bus with a vendetta.

Truth be told, Billie is still trying to rack her brain to piece together the jumbled night while Monica continues yelling at an unbearable volume.

"You're never to leave with Ezra Moore again," Monica warns, "Do you hear me?"

The sound of his name causes a flood of blurry memories, though they don't seem to be in order. She presses her eyes shut for a moment, mind caught on the feeling of his hand rubbing her scalp and the muffled moments underneath a jacket before stumbling back to the bus. Hell, she could remember everything up until she decided to take some ecstasy with Daria in the back of the club. After that, nothing made sense.

"I didn't even know I left with him," she lies, voice still groggy and distant. "I'm sorry."

"Next time," Monica turns to Sloane, who looks just about as hungover as Billie, "You call me. We've worked too damn hard to separate ourselves from Grand Motel for these investors just for one lousy article to ruin everything." Meanwhile, the rest of the girls are still fast asleep in the back of the bus.

Sloane is clearly attempting to hold back a severe eye roll in Monica's direction. "He did us a favor," the bassist reminds, "There was no way we were getting out of there without causing a scene."

"So, they still don't know it's me under the coat?" Billie chimes in, and Monica raises a brow in her direction.

"I thought you didn't remember," she states with an accusatory tone.

"I remember bits and pieces," Billie clarifies. She also remembers a feeling buried in the pit of her stomach that she can't quite place, as if they'd shared an important moment she wasn't entirely present for. Still, she doesn't mention it. 

Monica purses her lips before swiping through her constantly buzzing phone. "The articles are terrible," she laments, "Not for girlcrush, of course. But this is awful press for the tour."

Billie can feel her heart sinking, eyes flickering to Sloane who is barely returning the glance. That, of course, only makes her stomach knot. For a moment, the femme is sure she's going to be sick. If Sloane hadn't figured it out before last night, she certainly had now.

"I said I'm sorry," Billie offers, "It won't happen again, and I can go over and apologize to Ezra if you want me to."

"Well, you certainly owe him a thank you," Monica chastises while peering up from her phone for only a moment. "We don't leave for our next stop until later today. I suggest you find your way over to his bus before then."

Billie offers a quick nod. Lips pressed against a water bottle as she attempts to drink its contents. However, it's no use. It's like her body is rejecting every substance. Now, Sloane is eyeing her even more carefully, which only makes it more difficult to drink.

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