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Billie had not known love like this before she met Ezra

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Billie had not known love like this before she met Ezra. That notion consumed her mind the second he called her out on stage and sang her name in front of everyone. He had exceeded every one of her expectations and still managed to find ways to surprise her. Come to think of it, Ezra had done nothing but shock Billie to her core this summer.

As he says goodnight to the crowd, Billie can't conceal the prideful grin adorning her features. In all her wildest dreams and fears when it came to Ezra Moore, she never expected this particular emotion to consume her. She's proud — to be his and to watch him up on that stage singing those sad songs with an entirely new tone. For the first time in this tour, Ezra hadn't been drowning alone in his sea of fans or suffocated by his lyrics. Something changed in him, and it changed for the better.

As Ezra turns towards the wings, his eyes are practically brimming with tears. He barely makes it off stage before practically colliding into her arms, tears drenching the crook of her neck. "It's okay," Billie breathes, fingertips reaching to hold the back of his neck while her free hand pulls him tightly against her.

Her eyes skim over the roadies keeping themselves busy instead of watching Ezra unravel so openly. Though she's not ashamed, Billie wants to give him the privacy he deserves to process his emotions. All of Ezra's life had been put on display for so long, and some things deserved to be private. So, she guides him to his dressing room and locks the door behind them.

"I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed," he mumbles against her skin.

"Don't apologize," she replies, "I just wanted to give us some privacy."

"I haven't felt like this in so long," he chokes out, tears pooling once more. "It's like every emotion is pouring out of me. I can't stop it."

"I hope that's a good thing," she offers with a cautious chuckle.

He pulls away, tattooed hands rubbing at his eyes before peering into hers. "Tonight was the second best night of my life," he assures, "Thank you for singing with me. You have no idea what that means."

Billie can still smell the artificial cherry on his breath, chest aching at the notion that he never had the opportunity to be out on stage with someone who loved him as greatly as he loved them.

"Second best?" She laughs with a teasing grin.

Ezra echoes her laughter, tears finally drying. "The first was when you told me you loved me," he admits, "and tonight is when I finally let you. Fully, I mean. I've never let anyone in like that before."

"You've never sang with anyone but Grand Motel on stage?" She questions with furrowed brows and a swelling heart.

Ezra shakes his head, a smile returning to his features. "Out there it's different. I feel different, and I didn't want to share that part of me with anyone. I hadn't even planned it ... but I saw you watching, and I wasn't afraid anymore. I want to share everything with you, Willow."

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