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When they arrived in Phoenix, Billie could feel the change in the air

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When they arrived in Phoenix, Billie could feel the change in the air. Something about that dry, desert heat set her soul on fire. Everything about Arizona felt like home, and part of her wondered why she ever left it in the first place.

Still, she loved New York and all the opportunities it created. Hell, if she never took a bus out there, then girlcrush wouldn't exist. She'd never be on this tour, and she would've never met Ezra Moore.

Ezra Moore. At first, that name felt like a death sentence or a weight destined to drag her down. But now, it only creates butterflies in her stomach and causes her heart to skip a beat. Of all the things she could've expected from this tour, never did she imagine falling for the lead singer of the headliner.

Slowly but surely, Ezra had stolen pieces of her heart with every stop. Truthfully, she tried to hate him for much longer than she actually did. And now, Billie can't say she even dislikes him.

All she knows is that she likes this Ezra Moore much more than the one everyone else thought he was. She likes the way he talks about his dad and music, the way his tongue plays with that cherry candy he has before every show, and the way his skin and hair smells like clove and cedarwood from his herbal cigarettes. She likes the way he sings and interacts with his fans while on stage, and the way each melody and lyric seems to encapsulate his entire soul.

Ezra Moore contained multitudes she hadn't dared considered when meeting him that morning in Mad Sounds' highrise, and now Billie desperately wants to know all the parts of him. Good and bad.

Perhaps it's being back home that causes her to be so in touch with her emotions, but Billie feels a new sort of clarity when it comes to her relationship with the singer. They are more than a hookup, and that makes everything different. It makes it exciting and terrifying all at once.

As the two meet on a corner in mainstreet, she barely can contain the thudding in her chest. It's as if she's become more nervous than ever, overthinking every little thing down to her hair and outfit. She had never put any thought into her appearance, besides the basics, when meeting with him before. Now that they had labeled it a date, Billie spent nearly thirty minutes trying to style an outfit.

"Hi," she greets, "Welcome to Phoenix." Her cheeks are already flushed while looking over his own choice in attire. She's grateful that she isn't overdressed and that they both are in casual clothing that's somehow elevated from their usual style.

"Hi," he smiles, "Happy to be here. Where's our first stop?"

"Well, I thought you'd like to see all the places on mainstreet that have a fun or embarrassing story attached to it," she explains before tilting her head towards her desired direction, "It's a small stretch, and we can get a treat at the end."

"Sounds good to me," he chuckles while nodding, "I've been dying to see the city through the eyes of Billie Fields."

"Alright, let's go," she motions and it only takes a few moments for them to reach her first destination that has since gone out of business and is now available for lease.

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