Chapter 25 - Partners in Crime

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It was Monday morning and you were walking miserably to school.

You kept muttering and mumbling curse words under your breath as Hope's Peak Academy came into view.

"Morning, [your name]-chan!~~" Asahina greeted when you walked into class.

"You okay?" Sayaka asked. "You look a little cranky"

Ignoring them, you went to your desk and sat down. Earning worried glances from your friends.

Minutes later, Monokuma arrived.

"Good morning, class" he greeted. "Is everyone present today?"

Junko Enoshima raised her hand, polished fingers shining.

"Yes?" Monokuma asked.

"Mukuro couldn't come" she said as she chewed her bubblegum and blew a small bubble. It popped before she spoke. "She said she wasn't feeling well or whatever"

"Well, thank you for the information" Monokuma said. "And no gum in class, please"

Junko rolled her eyes and blew another bubble.

Monokuma sighed as he shook his head. "Kids these days" he muttered.

"Ugh, just get this over with!" you yelled in your head.

"Class, today we're having a Math test" Monokuma said. "So take out your pens and please--" he glared at Leon and Mondo. "--no cheating this time"

The two boys groaned.

Monokuma walked around the class as he gave everyone their test papers.

He gave you yours and your eyes widened.

"What the heck.." you thought. "I can't solve any of this!"

You glanced around nervously. Your classmates looked as calm as ever. And that made you panic even more.

"What should I do?" you thought nervously. Suddenly you got an idea and you raised your hand.

"What is it, [your name]?" Monokuma asked.

"Can I go to the bathroom?" you asked.

"Sure" he said and nodded at the door, signaling for you to go.

You slung your backpack around your shoulder and headed to the door.

"Why are you bringing you bag?" he asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I--um.. no reason" you said as you opened the door and walked outside.

You walked down the hall for a few minutes, making sure Monokuma won't check up on you.

When you were convinced that he wouldn't come out of the classroom, you started to run.

When you reached the end of the hallway you pushed open the heavy entrance door.

"Freedom!" you yelled and pumped your fist into the air.

"Who's there?!"

"Oh sh*t!" you ducked down behind a bush. A second later, the school's guard walked by.

"I know you're here!" he yelled as he looked around.

You held your breath as the guard looked behind other bushes.

When he was getting closer to you, the guard muttered and turned back around, going back to his post next to the gate.

You sighed in relief.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped itself around your waist and it pulled you backwards. Another hand covered your mouth, stifling your screams.

"Caught you" Togami whispered in your ear.

You blushed and swatted both his hands away.

"You scared me!" you whispered back.

"What are you doing?" he asked. "I thought you were supposed to be in the bathroom"

"Ah, school's a drag~" you pouted and Togami rolled his eyes. "I'm stepping out"

"Then I'm coming with you" he said.

"You don't have to" you said. "Just finish up your Math test"

"But I want to" he said and grabbed your hand. "Besides, I already finished my Math test"

"Fine, whatever" you said. "But we have to get past the guard" you said and pointed to the sleeping man next to the gate.

"He's sleeping, it'll be easy getting past that imbecile" Togami said confidently. "The problem is how are we going to open the gate?"

"He has a key" you said and pointed at the guard again. "See? On his belt"

"If only we had a--"

You handed him a pocket knife from your school bag. He stared at you, eyes wide.

"What? Dad said it was for protection" you shrugged. "Besides, it comes in handy for situations like this"

"Moving on" Togami said. "You stay here and I'll get the key. When I open the gate, you'll have to run as fast as you can, understood?"

"Yes, sir" you nodded and giggled.

"Wish me luck" he said and kissed your forehead.

He jumped out of the bush and walked quietly to the guard.

Occasionally, the guard would turn his face towards Togami, making him jump out of the way.

When he was right next to the guard, he crouched down so that he can cut the key from the guard's belt.

Soon, the key came right off his belt and Togami unlocked the gate. It opened with a creak and the guard started to wake up.

"Hurry!" he mouthed and you ran as fast as you could. You crossed the gate just as the guard's eyes opened.

"Let's go!" he said and grabbed your arm.

"Hey! Stop! Stop you two!" the guard yelled.

"Uwah!~ Hurry, Byakuya!" you said and ran even faster.

A few minutes later, the two of you stopped by an ice cream parlor to catch your breaths.

"Wah-- we-- we did it!" you panted, a smile was plastered across your face.

"We did" he said and grabbed your hand. "Want some ice cream?" he asked and pointed to the ice cream parlor.

"Yes!" you cheered.

"Alright, calm down" he chuckled and took you inside.

"Hey, Byakuya"


"When we graduate from college, we could be partners in crime! Imagine it! Escaping from prison!~"

"What are you talking about?" he asked. "Why would we be criminals?"

"It would be fun, though. Except for the part where we get caught by cops and possibly getting shot and then dying"

"Whatever you say, baka" he said and kissed you forehead.







Writer: @nyoomm


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