End? [Part 1]

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❝ How can I live as I erase you? ❞

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Today was the day. It's the first day of your second year in high school.

You studied yourself in the mirror. Straightening your uniform here and there, making sure you looked your best.

"[y/n]!" you heard your father call from downstairs. "You're gonna be late!"

"Coming!" you yelled back. You grabbed your backpack and glanced out the window.

You saw the trees outside rustling in the wind and went back to your closet to grab your [favorite color] hoodie.

As you walked back to your door, you saw something on your bedside table. It was a strip of photos of you and Togami. You had gotten it from the photo booth you two visited just yesterday.

"[y/n]!" your father called again.

"I'm coming!" you called back and quickly grabbed the strip of photos before stuffing them in the pocket of your hoodie.

"Finally" your father said as you went down the stairs. "Hurry up, you'll be late"

"You don't have to drop me off, you know" you rolled your eyes as your father grabbed the car keys beside him.

"Of course I do, this is a very important day for you" he grinned as the two of you went out the front door.

"Dad, it's only the first day of school"

"I know" he said. "But it's the first day of your second year of high school, this is a big deal"

"You're over reacting" you giggled as the car engine started.

When you finally arrived in front of the tall iron gates of Hope's Peak Academy, your father stopped the car and you opened the car door.

"So, when should I pick you up?" your father asked before you hopped out.

"Um, I don't really know. I'll go and ask Monokuma-sensei later, then I'll text you"

"Okay then" your dad says and you kissed his cheek.

"Bye dad" you say and got out of the car.

"Bye, I'll see you after school" he said and you slammed the car door shut. "I love you!" he called and drove away.

"I love you too" you say under your breath as you watched the car getting smaller and smaller, until you couldn't see it anymore.

You turned around and started walking towards the iron gates.

You saw unfamiliar faces walk past.

"Must be the new first year students" you thought to yourself. You were so deep in thought you didn't really pay attention to where you were going. And you accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry!" you stuttered as you backed away from the person you just bumped into.

"No, it's quite alright"

It was a boy. He was slightly taller than you with puffy white hair. His skin was also very pale and his grey-green eyes seemed rather dull and lifeless.

A shiver went down your spine when you made eye contact with him.

"Ah, are you a first year?" you asked the boy, trying your best not to look at him straight in the eyes.

"Yes I am. Are you?" he asked back.

"Um, no" you laughed a little awkwardly. "I'm a second year here. Um, My name is [first name], [last name] [first name]. And you are?"

"Nagito" he smiled. "Komaeda Nagito. Nice to meet you [y/n]-senpai. Oh sorry, can I call you [y/n]-senpai?"

"It's fine" you said as you shivered once again when you accidentally locked eyes with him. "W-Well, I should go to class now, see you later Nagito-kun!"

You quickly ran to the front of the school leaving Komaeda behind. A small smile formed on his lips as he watched you go.

You stood in front of the school's front doors. Your heart was beating loudly. It was either because you were nervous for school or it was because of Komaeda.

His dull and lifeless eyes, the way they made you shiver. When you think about them you couldn't help but feel a bit queasy.

You shook off the thought and went back to staring at the school's front door.

You took a deep breath and stepped inside.

But then everything went dark and your vision faded away.




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