Chapter 2 - Lab Partners

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"So, um where are we going now, exactly?" you asked.

"To the science lab of course!" Sayaka Maizono jumped.

"Aw man! I hate science!" Leon sighed.

"H-Hey let's not make a ruckus. The other classes are still studying" Naegi whispered.

After Monokuma-sensei's lesson you started to get along with the others.

You were laughing and joking around.

You glanced behind Naegi and saw Togami following quietly behind.

He caught you looking and you turned your face away blushing.

"CLOSE CALL!" you yelled to yourself.

"Hmm" you heard, you turned around and saw Togami re-adjusting his glasses with a smirk on his face.


After the -not so- long journey to the science lab. You and your new friends are finally sitting in class waiting for the teacher to arrive.

The door opened and the teacher rushed in.

"Sorry for the delay. Ehem. Now, it's time to arrange seats"

"Arrange seats? What does he mean?" you whispered to Sayaka.

"Oh! Every year sensei will be arranging seats! But you haven't got a lab partner, right?"

You shrugged. "I just moved here, remember?"

Sayaka stood up from her seat while raising her hand. "S-Sensei!"


"Um, we have a new student, you see" she said while nodding to your direction. "A-And she haven't got a lab partner so.."

The teacher looked at you.

"Ah! The new kid, [your name] you will be sitting with--" the teacher looked around the room. At the back of the room someone was sitting all by himself.

"--Byakuya Togami"

Your eyes grew bigger.

He can not be serious.

"E-Eh?! D-Did you just say B-Byakuya Togami..?" you stuttered.

"Is there a problem?" a voice said.

You turned your head to the back of the room.

No way..

You shot him a dirty look, grumbled away and finally sat next to him.

You can feel your cheeks turning bright red.

And so the teacher started the class.

He started writing on the white board and ordered everyone to write them down.

You were sitting at the very back of the room and you couldn't see very well. You squinted but still the white board looked blurry.

In your defeat, you sighed.

Just then, Togami took off his glasses and put them on you.

"You can use it if you like" and he continued writing.

"Tsk trying to be the hero once again" you grumbled.

Hearing those words Togami put down his pen. "You know it's not my fault you're stuck sitting with me" he said annoyed.

"How is it not your fault? You could've told the teacher you wanted to sit with someone else!" you shot back.

"I asked you if there was a problem and you said nothing. Meaning, you had no problem whatsoever sitting with me. If you said something there might've been a chance for you to sit with someone else!" he said and got back to writing.

Even if you HATED to admit it, he had a point.

"Whatever you say smarty-pants" you grumbled.

"Well at least I'm smarter than you, next time think before you say anything" he said coldly.

"Agh! Who does he think he is?!" you yelled in you head.

Suddenly, Togami dropped his pen and sighed heavily. He rubbed his eyes, got his pen again, and squinted. He couldn't see without his glasses.

"Even though he knew he'd be lost without his glasses he still let you borrow them!" a small voice in your head yelled.

Having the thought that he actually cared, made you feel warm inside.

"Ish! What are you thinking!" you slapped your forehead.

You glanced at Togami, who was still squinting.

You slid your notebook in front of him, and took him by surprise.

"You can copy mine" you whispered.

He looked at you, trying to figure out why you were suddenly being nice.

"Want it or not?" you whispered again.

He nodded and started to copy your notes.

You smiled as you wrote him a note in a piece of paper you ripped out of your notebook.

"Thanks for the glasses:)" you wrote.

You folded it and handed it to him.

He opened the note and the smallest of a smile formed on his lips.


uwaah! Sorry for short chapters! uwu

Writer: @nyoomm


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