Chapter 3 - Infirmary

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The next day you woke up late. You rushed into the bathroom, had a quick shower, changed into your uniform and dashed downstairs.

"Hi dad!" you grabbed a pop-tart off your plate and dashed outside. "Bye dad!"

You kept tripping on your way because you weren't able to tie your shoelaces and now they're hanging freely getting between your feet and making you fall face first.

After tripping thousands of times, you finally arrived at Hope's Peak Academy.

"Good morning [your name]!" Naegi greeted.

"Hiyya!" Sayaka smiled.

"[your name]!!!" Asahina hugged you.

Others greeted you too. All these friendliness made you feel happy, since it never really happened before.

No one has ever greeted you at school before. Well, no one except--

"[your name]!" -er speak of the devil.

"Oh -er good morning Togami-kun!"

"What happened to you?" he asked as he knelt down. He touched your knee.


"You scraped your knee" he examined your face. "And your left cheek too apparently".

He cupped his hand and placed it on your cheek gently.

"E-Eh.." you blushed your cheeks burning madly.

"Does it hurt?"

"N-Not really" you hid your face.

There was a few seconds of silence, until he grabbed your hand and started leading you through the hallway.

"Hey! Where are you taking me!?"

"The infirmary" he answered.

When the two of you got there the doctor was no where to be found.

"Um I guess we can come back later" you said turning to the door.

"No" he said and grabbed your arm just as you were opening the door. "You need to get better".

He rummaged through the many cabinets and drawers of the infirmary, until he finally found the bandages.

He put one on your cheek.

"Stay still" he told you.

You blushed.

Your heartbeat was rising by the minute.

After putting the bandage on your cheek, he knelt down and washed the blood off your knee.

He took one bandage from the plastic bag he found on one of the cabinets, looked at it and put it back in the bag.

He turned around, put the bag back on the cabinet and rummaged through the bottom left drawer.

"What are you doing?" you asked.

Togami didn't answer instead he took something out of the drawer, turned to you and knelt down again.

Then he put on a bandage shaped like a bunny on your knee.

He stared at the bunny-bandage and snickered. The snicker turned into a snort and it finally turned into a laugh.

"What's so funny?" you asked confused.

"[your name] always said you liked bunnies. When we were in the 1st grade you brought a whole bag full of your bunny collection for show and tell, everyone laughed but you stood firm and just told everybody off" he smiled.

"Y-You remember that?"

"Hmm I always admired your bravery [your name] but.. your courage faded in middle school--" he looked at you with a concerned expression. "Just before you started homeschool, why is that?"

"E-Er.." you didn't know what to say.

He realized you were getting weaker and weaker in middle school! Out of all times why did he ask you now? Why not back in middle school?

"W-We should probably get going" you said changing the subject.

"Ah of course" Togami said standing up, his concerned face turned into disappointment and sadness.

You both walked together to class in silence.

"I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable" he said turning his head from you.

"Um it's okay"

He stopped walking.

"[your name] if there's anything bothering you, you should consider talking to me about it, I may be able to help you" he said his expression dead serious. He meant business.

You didn't know what to say. You just stared at him blankly.

Realizing you won't answer, he sighed and walked away, leaving you behind.

"What was that all about?" you asked yourself.

"He cares!" a tiny voice in your head yelled.

Hearing it your stomach erupted with butterflies, your heart was beating faster and faster, and your cheeks were getting warmer by the minute.

What on earth was he doing to you?

You sighed and walked to class.


I was pretty happy about this chapter tbh uwu

Writer: @nyoomm


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