End? [Part 2]

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❝ Why do I keep needing you when I know I'll get hurt? ❞

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Silence. Nothing but complete silence.

Your eyes slowly fluttered open and you straightened yourself in your seat. You winced as you felt a sharp pain in your head.

"Wha--Where am I?" you thought to yourself.

You suddenly heard movement and looked up. There were cameras all around.

You stood up from the desk you were sitting on and walked closer to the camera to take a closer look at it. The camera followed your every movement.

Something from the corner of your eyes caught your attention and you turned around to find iron plates along the walls of the room.

"This place.. It's a classroom?" you thought. "What's with the iron plates?"

You walked around the room until you saw a folded piece of paper on one of the desks. You unfolded it and found that it was a note.

Welcome to the school. A new semester has just begun. Since yer starting new lives, this school will be your new world. Gather in the gym at 8 for the welcoming ceremony.

" 'Yer'? " you questioned out loud and inspected the note. "That's an odd choice of word. Then again, this note looks like it was written by a kid" you thought to yourself.

After you read the note for the second time, you looked around the room once again. There was a clock on one of the walls.


Not wanting to be late for the welcoming ceremony, you rushed to the door and slid it open.

You stepped into the dimly lit hallway. The walls along the halls were also lined with iron plates. You kept wondering what they were.

You stopped in your tracks when you faced yellow double doors labeled 'gym'. You hesitantly pushed the doors open and it revealed a room with high ceilings. There was a stage with a podium at the very end of the room.

Your eyes widened in surprise. There were people gathered around the room. And they were all looking at you.

"Oh look, another one" a guy with dark brown large and spiky (idk how to describe Hagakure's hair im srry lmao) hair said. "Told ya' this school is weird.

A guy with a round figure adjusted his round glasses. He had black hair with a pointed ahoge on top. "Never mind what I said earlier. With her, that means there are 16 of us"

"You! The note said to meet at the gym at 08.00 sharp! You're 5 minutes late!" a guy with black hair and red eyes yelled as he pointed a finger at you.

"Oh, I-I'm sorry--" you managed to stutter before someone interrupted you.

"Geez, can you stop that already? She's just 5 minutes late" a girl with blonde pigtails said as she rolled her pale blue eyes.

"Did you wake up in a classroom too?" a girl with short brown hair and green-brown eyes asked. "So it's true--"

"--we all woke up in a classroom!" a girl with black twin-drill pigtails finished. "Isn't it weird?"

"What kind of place is this anyway?" a tall guy with a slightly unusual hairstyle and purple eyes asked. "It kinda looks like my old juvie"

A guy with orange spiked hair and goatee crossed his arms. "Hey, ya' guys think we're kidnapped?"

"Maybe this is some kind of special program!" a girl with tanned skin and brown hair said. Her ponytail swayed as she jumped up excitedly. "It is a special program, right?"

"Maybe, it's hard to tell" a muscular girl with white hair grumbled.

You looked around your surroundings. What the hell is happening?

You watched quietly as the people around you kept coming up with weird theories. Until suddenly a girl with two long braids and round glasses yelled.

"Ah! Stop looking at me! You probably think I'm ugly, right?" she yelled as she covered her face with one hand and pointed to a guy with the other.

The guy she was pointing at had short spiky brown hair and a prominent ahoge. "I-I'm sorry.." he apologized.

"Tch, he surely is an eyesore" a guy with blonde hair and white rimmed glasses said bitterly.

You felt another sharp pain in your head. That guy. There was something familiar about him. Very familiar.

"Um, excuse me" you tapped the blonde guy's shoulder. "Ha-Have we met? I feel like we've met before"

The guy turned to face you and his ice blue eyes narrowed. "And you are?"

"[last name] [first name]" you said slowly. "Byakuya.. You're Togami Byakuya, right?"

"That's right" he said and then you saw him wince. "[y/n].." he whispered and his gaze softened for a split second before turning into a glare. "Never heard of you"

"Oh, my bad" you said. "I must've mistaken you for someone else"

As you walked away Togami suddenly spoke out loud. "How long are you all going to mess around? We have pressing matters to attend to. Why are we at this predicament? If someone is behind all of this, then who?"

"Yeah, where did they put all my stuff?" the girl with blonde pigtails asked. "My cellphone is missing"

Everybody frantically checked their pockets.

"So is mine!"

"Mine too!"

You checked the pocket of the [favorite color] hoodie you were wearing. Instead of a cellphone, you found a strip of photos.

Your eyes widened for the second time that day. The photos, they were photos of you together with Togami Byakuya.

You felt another sharp pain in your head. You winced and closed your eyes. And then everything came flooding back. You remembered.

You remembered everything.

These people around you, the people you thought were strangers just a minute ago, they were your friends for almost a year.

How could you have forgotten?

And Togami. Togami Byakuya was your boyfriend.

You looked at the people around you, they didn't seem to know each other. Had they also forgotten everything?

But someone was missing.

Ikusaba Mukuro.

Where is she?

Just as you were about to speak up--


"Ah! Ah! Mike test! Mike test!
This is good. You can all hear me, can't you?" a somewhat childish voice rang throughout the whole gym. "Hey new students! I would like to start the welcoming ceremony now!"

"Now this is how Hope's Peak High welcomes in the new students!" Hagakure (u remember everyone now ok) smiled.

"No wait" Kirigiri said and everybody quieted down. "You're mistaken"

Suddenly, a black and white bear popped out of the podium.




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