Chapter 18 - Christmas Shopping

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"Haah~" you blew in your hot green tea. "I wonder what Byakuya wants.. It sounded urgent.."

This morning, you woke up with a call from Togami.

"[your name]!"

"Hey, what's up?" you yawned.

"Can you come here?"

"Sure, I guess. Why?"

"Just hurry up and get yourself here!"

"Okay, but wh--"

He hung up.


You took a sip from your green tea as Togami's huge front gate came into view.

"Good morning Miss [your name]" greeted one of Togami's guards.

"Morning~" you smiled.

The guards opened the huge iron gate and you walked inside.

When you crossed Togami's humungous front yard you happily climbed up the stairs leading up to his front door.

Ding Dong!

You pressed the doorbell and took a big gulp from your hot green tea.

"Good morning Miss [your name]!" Togami's butler opened the door.

"Mornin'!" you waved. "Togami up yet?"

"He's waiting for you, you better hurry" he said and closed the door behind you.

"What's the rush?"

"Believe me, you need to hurry" he said and walked away.

"Um, okay then?" you said and climbed up the grand staircase.

When you reached Togami's door you knocked.

"Who is it?" came a muffled voice.

"It's me! [your name]~"

There was a moment of silence until..


Then, Togami's door flew open and you were pulled inside.

"Whoah, did you just fall?" you asked, remembering the 'thud' before he opened the door.

"Forget about that" he said and sat down on his bed. "Can you help me?"

He held on a clipboard that had a very very very very very very long piece of paper clipped on it.

"What are you making?" you asked and plopped yourself down beside him. "A list?"

"I've been up all night.. Apparently, having a lot of relatives has it's downsides" he said and showed you the shopping list he had tried to make.

"You've been up all night?" you asked.

"What do you think?" he said and turned to you.

You can now clearly see that his hair was ultra messy, he had bags under his eyes, and a few parts of his face was smudged with ink.

"What's this?" you asked and wiped the smudge off his right cheek.

"Let's just say, something... leaked.." he said before grumbling, "That's three pens I'll never get back.."

"Well, you should rest" you said.

"But the list!" he said frustrated. "I need to finish it, idiot! What do you think? It'll just finish itself?"

"I'll finish it for you" you smiled. "But you should really sleep, you're not looking so good"

"Alright" he sighed in defeat. "Don't mess up the list, imbecile"

Togami went under his blankets and closed his eyes.

"Enough with the names, Byakuya" you rolled your eyes. "Oh and--"

You turned to Togami only to find the boy sleeping peacefully.

"--nevermind" you giggled and wiped off a smudge of ink from under his eye.


"Okay, I'm gonna need golden earrings for my... aunt" he said and went inside a jewelry shop.

"Your kind of christmas shopping is definitely different from mine" you said and trailed after him. "I usually just grab some stuff from the thrift store"

"Hey, you're a girl right?" he suddenly asked.

"Gee, I don't know" you said sarcastically and rolled your eyes.

"Which one is better? This one or this one?" he asked and showed you two different golden earrings.

"Ooh, this one, probably" you said and pointed to one of the earrings.

"Really? Isn't this one fancier than that one?"

"Yeah, but isn't it too fancy?" you said.

"How am I supposed to understand girl stuff?" Togami asked, annoyed.

"Whatever, just choose this one" you said.

"Oh alright"

Moments later Togami payed for the earrings and came back with the shopping bag.

"Okay, I'm all set"

"You already bought gifts for everybody?" you asked.

"Yes, I even bought gifts for the others" he said.

"Did he buy me a gift?" you thought and blushed bright red.

"So, it's your turn now" he said and brought you back to reality.


"It's your turn to do your christmas shopping" he said.

"Ah, but I'll probably buy a present for my dad only" you said. "S-Since I don't really have any other relative who lives in the same country"

"Don't get depressed" he sighed.

"Eh? Ah! I-I'm not depressed! What are you talking about!" you said nervously.

"Hm, if you're not doing any christmas shopping, how about we go and get ice cream? My treat" he suggested.

"Eeh? Really?" you smiled brightly.

Togami nodded.

"Yay! Thanks, Byakuya!~"

"But help me carry these" he said and handed you a few of his shopping bags.

"Eh! You bribed me! Shame on you" you pouted.

Togami smiled and petted your head.

"Baka" he laughed.


I have boot camp tomorrow T^T

Let's pray I don't die..

Writer: @nyoomm


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