Chapter 4 - Rainy Day

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The drapes of your -slightly- opened window flew around madly.

The air around you had a tint of wetness.

The whole sky was black and everything looked sorrow.

You lazily looked up from your laptop.

"Looks like it'll rain pretty hard" you mumbled.

"[your name]! Would you come down here for a moment, please?" your father yelled from downstairs.

"Coming!" you yelled back.

You rushed down the stairs.

"What's up?" you asked.

"Can you please pick some stuff up for me? Just go to the market place across from the library" he said handing you a list of items.

"Oh alright, I'll just go grab my bag" you said and rushed back upstairs.

You changed your clothes real quick. Shorts, shirt, and a hoodie that reaches just a few inches above your knee.

Your long [h/c] hair was in it's usual braids. The two braids reached just below your neck on your left and right.

You grabbed your small backpack and filled it up with your wallet, phone, a binder, and a library book that was due tomorrow.

Since the market place was across from the library, you figured you'd return the book after going shopping.

You rushed down the stairs and put on your red sneakers.

"[your name]! Wait! Don't forget your umbrella" your dad called out.

"Sure dad"

You rushed out the door and started walking.

"I wonder what Byakuya is doing right now" you whispered.

After your little 'private conversation' with him in the infirmary, you've been avoiding him ever since.

You didn't like how your heart beats a little faster or how butterflies erupted in you stomach when you were near him.

After getting the groceries, you can finally go to the library.

You walked up the stairs that lead to the grand front door.

The sky was getting darker by the minute. And the air around you was getting moist.

The bell ringed as you opened the door.

The old librarian looked at you through thick round glasses.

"Good morning" you said.

"Shhh" hissed the librarian.

"Oh, uh, sorry" you whispered. "I wanted to return this"

You dug in your backpack and handed the librarian the book. You left her to do her business.

You walked around the library through the many rows of books until you reached the little reading area at the back of the building.

It was the fairy tale area.

You adored this place. A little room with a few beanbags in the centre, surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of fairy tale books.

You used to go here every Saturday with your mom. Reading for hours until closing time.

You touched the covers of the books as you went along searching for something to read.

You stopped in front of a thick purple leather bounded storybook at the very bottom.

You knew this book. Of course you did, you donated it.

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