Chapter 27 - Happy Birthday!

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"Young master?" Togami's (forever nameless) butler knocked on the door.

(Dear lawd the black butler feels just hit me *clutches heart and sheds manly tears*)

There was no answer. "Young master?" he tried again.

He opened the door and stuck his head inside, he knew Togami strictly forbids any of the servants to enter his bedroom.

"Are you okay?" his butler asked.

Togami grunted in his bed and mumbled. "I think I have a fever" he coughed.

"Shall I call the school?"

"Sure" he coughed before asking. "A-Are my parents home?"

The butler looked down at his feet, feeling rather guilty. "They--They already flew to [country of choice]. They'll be back next week"

Togami sighed and turned his back at the butler.

"Young master"

"What?" Togami muttered in annoyance.

"Happy birthday" the butler smiled, even though he knew Togami wouldn't see it.

Togami muttered a 'Thank You' in return.

The butler closed the door and walked down the hallway. He shook his head and sighed.


You gulped down a swig of water and watched as your classmates ran around the track field.

The coach had told everyone to run 10 laps, and with a lot of things going on in your mind, 10 laps felt like 5.

(yeah right..)

"You were pretty fast back there" someone suddenly said.

You flicked your head upwards and squinted in the sunlight, standing before you was Ikusaba Mukuro.

"No one's ever outrun me before" she said again.

"Oh sorry, you probably wanna keep your title and everything--"

"Relax" Mukuro rolled her eyes and sat next to you. "It was a compliment" she gulped down the remaining contents of her water bottle.

"Right, right, sorry" you mumbled and continued to watch your other classmates.

"Hey, I know we don't talk a lot but, are you okay? You look worried" Mukuro asked with a hint of concern in her always expressionless face.

"It's no biggie" you shrugged.

Mukuro raised an eyebrow.

"Look, it's Byakuya's birthday today.. He's not here and I don't even know what to get him..!" you hid your face in your hands. "I'm the worst"

"If you're so worried about him not being here, why don't you just visit him later after school?" she suggested. "And don't worry if he'll like your gift or not. You know what they say, it's the thought that counts"

You replayed Mukuro's words in your head and smiled to yourself.

"Thanks Mukuro" you smiled at the girl and stood up.


"You know, I don't know why we never hung out before"

"No, it's okay. It's better if I stay alone" she said matter of factly.

You gave a small chuckle. "Okay then". You waved goodbye and ran off to meet your friends.


"Helloo?~" you knocked on Togami's huge front door.

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